Scientific Articles (ISI)

Álvarez-Godoy E., Rodrigues J., Alves A., Álvarez-Lazo D. (2007)

Estudio del contenido y la calidad de la lignina mediante pirólisis analítica en madera de Pinus caribaea. Maderas

Ciencia y Tecnologia, 9(2): 179-188.

Alves A., Santos A., Silva-Perez D, Rodrigues J.C., Pereira H., Simões R., Schwanninger M. (2007)

NIR PLSR model selection for Kappa number prediction of maritime pine kraft pulps

Wood Science and Technology, 41(6): 491-499.

Costa A., Pereira H. (2007)

Influence of vision systems, black and white, colored and visual digitalization, in natural cork stopper quality estimation

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87: 2222-2228. DOI:

Esteves B., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2007)

Improvement of technological quality of eucalypt wood by heat treatment in air at 170-200 degrees C

Forest Products Journal, 57 (1/2): 47-52.

Esteves B., Marques A.V., Domingos I., Pereira H. (2007)

Influence of steam heating on the properties of pine (Pinus pinaster) and eucalypt (Eucalyptus globulus) wood

Wood Science and Technology, 41(3): 193-207.

Graça J., Santos S. (2007)

Suberin: a biopolyester of plants’ skin

Macromolecular Bioscience, 7: 128-135.

Knapic S., Louzada J.L., Leal S., Pereira H. (2007)

Radial variation of wood density components and ring width in cork oak trees

Annals of Forest Science, 64(2): 211-218.

Leal S., Sousa V.B., Pereira, H. (2007)

Radial variation of vessel size and distribution in cork oak wood (Quercus suber L.)

Wood Science and Technology, 41(4): 339-350.

Miranda I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2007)

Heartwood, extractives and pulp yield of three Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in two sites

Appita Journal, 60(6): 485-500.

Morais M.C., Pereira H. (2007)

Heartwood and sapwood variation in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. trees at the end of rotation for pulpwood production

Annals of Forest Science, 64: 665-671.

Pires J.M.C., Pereira H., San-Romao M.V. (2007)

Study of humidity and water activity of cork slabs during cork stopper manufacturing process - Preliminary results

Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 22(1): 15-20.

Santos S., Schreiber L., Graça J. (2007)

Cuticular waxes from ivy leaves (Hedera helix L.): analysis of high-molecular weight esters

Phytochemical Analysis, 18: 60-69.

Shatalov A. A., Pereira H. (2007)

Xylanase pre-treatment of giant reed organosolv pulps: direct bleaching effect and bleach boosting

Industrial Crops and Products, 25(3): 248-256.

Shatalov A. A., Pereira H. (2007)

Polysaccharide degradation during ozone based TCF bleaching of non-wood organosolv pulps

Carbohydrate Polymers, 67(3): 275-281.

Silva-Perez D., Guillemain A., Alazard P., Plomion C., Rozemberg P., Rodrigues J., Alves A., Chantre G. (2007)

Improvement of Pinus pinaster wood elite trees selection by combining near infrared spectroscopy and genetic tools

Holzforschung, 61: 611-622.

Sousa-Correia C., Alves A., Rodrigues J., Ferreira-Dias S., Abreu J.M., Maxted N., Ford-Lloyd B., Schwanninger M. (2007)

Oil content estimation of single kernel of Quercus sp. acorns by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least squares regression (PLSR)

Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 15: 247-260.

Alves A., Schwanninger M., Pereira H., Rodrigues J. (2006)

Calibration of NIR to assess lignin composition (H/G ratio) in Maritime pine wood using analytical pyrolysis as the reference method

Holzforschung, 60: 29-31..

Leal, S., Sousa, V.B., Pereira, H. (2006)

Within and between-tree variation in the biometry of wood rays and fibres in cork oak (Quercus suber L.)

Wood Science Technology, 40: 585–597. DOI:

Miranda I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H. (2006)

The influence of irrigation and fertilization on heartwood and sapwood content in 18-year-old Eucalyptus globulus Labill. trees.

Canadian Journal Forest Research 36 (10): 2675-2683.. DOI:

Rodrigues J., Alves A., Pereira H., Silva-Perez D., Chantre G., Schwanninger M. (2006)

NIR PLSR results obtained by calibration with noisy, low-precision reference values: Are the results acceptable?

Holzforschung, 60: 402-408.