
Entomology; Integrated protection; Biological control; Ecology and taxonomy of ants.


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Scientific Articles (ISI)

Franco J.C., Branco M., Conde S., Garcia A., Fernandes M.R., Santos J.L., Messina T., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Ferreira M.T. (2022)

Ecological Infrastructures May Enhance Lepidopterans Predation in Irrigated Mediterranean Farmland, Depending on Their Typology and the Predator Guild

Sustainability, 14(7): 3874. DOI:

Froidevaux J.S.P., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2022)

The location and vegetation physiognomy of ecological infrastructures determine bat activity in Mediterranean floodplain landscapes

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 332: 107929. DOI: https://doi.or/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107929

Fonseca A., Zina V., Duarte G., Aguiar F., Rodríguez-González P.M., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2021)

Riparian ecological infrastructures: potential for biodiversity-related ecosystem services in mediterranean human-dominated landscapes

Sustainability, 13(19): 10508. DOI:

Goncalves F., Carlos C., Crespo L., Zina V., Oliveira A., Salvação J., Pereira J.A., Torres L. (2021)

Soil arthropods in the Douro Demarcated Region vineyards: general characteristics and ecosystem services provided

Sustainability, 13(14): 7837. DOI:

Soares A.O., Calado H.R., Franco J.C., Aguiar A.F., Andrade M.M., Zina V., Ameixa O.M.C.C., Borges I., Magro A. (2021)

An annotated checklist of ladybeetle species (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) of Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira Archipelagos

ZooKeys, 1053: 107-144. DOI:

Zina V., Fonseca A., Duarte G., Conde S., Fernandes M.R., Ferreira M.T., Franco J.C. (2021)

Ant diversity is enhanced by ecological infrastructures in agroecosystems: a case study in irrigated Mediterranean farmland.

Agronomy, 12(11): 2690. DOI:

Zina V., Ordeix M., Franco J.C., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2021)

Ants as bioindicators of riparian ecological health in catalonian rivers

Forests, 12(52021): 625. DOI:

Zina V., Branco M., Franco J.C. (2020)

Impact of the invasive argentine ant in citrus agroecosystems: effects on the diversity and frequency of native ant species foraging on tree canopy

Insects, 11(11) 785 : 1-17. DOI:

Zina V., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Franco J.C., Fernandes M.R. (2020)

Land use system, invasive species and shrub diversity of the riparian ecological infrastructure determine the specific and functional richness of ant communities in Mediterranean river valleys

Ecological Indicators, 145: 109613. DOI:

Carlos C., Goncalves F., Crespo L., Zina V., Oliveira I., Crespi A., Torres L. (2019)

How does habitat diversity affect ground-dwelling arthropods assemblages in Douro Demarcated Region terraced vineyards?

Journal of Insect Conservation, 23(3): 555-564.

Goncalves F., Carlos C., Crespi A., Villeman C., Trivellone V., Goula M., Canovai R., Zina V., Crespo L., Pinheiro L., Lucchi A., Bagnoli B., Oliveira I., Pinto R., Torres L. (2019)

The functional agrobiodiversity in the douro demarcated region viticulture: utopia or reality? Arthropods as a case-study – a review

Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 34(2): 102-114.

Gonçalves F., Zina V., Carlos C., Crespo L., Oliveira I., Torres L. (2017)

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and spiders (Araneae) co-occurring in the ground of vineyards from Douro demarcated region.

Sociobiology, 64(4): 404-416.

Zina V., Branco M., Franco J.C. (2017)

Ant community associated to citrus canopy in Southern Portugal over a century after the invasion by the Argentine ant.

Phytoparasitica, 45(2): 183–200.

Seabra S.G., Brás P.G., Zina V., Silva E.B., Rebelo M.T., Figueiredo E., Mendel Z., Paulo O.S., Franco J.C. (2013)

Molecular evidence of polyandry in the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).

PLoS ONE, 8(7): e68241.

Zina V., Silva E.B., Quartau J.A., Franco J.C. (2013)

First report of the citrus leafhopper Penthimiola bella (Stål) (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae) in Europe.

Phytoparasitica, 41(5): 521-527.

Martins R.F., Zina V.,Silva E.B., Rebelo M.T., Figueiredo E., Mendel Z., Paulo O.S., Franco J.C., Seabra S.G. (2012)

Isolation and characterization of fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci for the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), and cross-amplification in two other mealybug species.

Journal of Genetics, 91(2): 75-78.

Zina V., Lima A., Caetano F., Silva E.B., Ramos A.P., Franco J.C. (2012)

First record of the pepper tree psyllid, Calophya schini Tuthill (Hemiptera: Calophyidae), in the Palaearctic region.

Phytoparasitica, 40(2): 127-130.

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Book Chapters

Zina V., Franco J.C., Branco M., Fernandes M.R., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Ferreira M.T. (2022)

Ecological Infrastructures May Enhance Lepidopterans Predation

In: Scholarly Community Encyclopedia .



Optimal Greening of Irrigated farmland to achieve a prime environment

Duration: 2016-2021

CEF Budget: 191.226 €