
With a great passion for the world of insects, entomology is the area that most interests me. My PhD project focuses on the study of pests and diseases of mangrove swamp rice in Guinea-Bissau where, alongside farmers, we try to contribute to improving the living conditions of the local population. In this work, different methods of observation and capture were applied, from the collection of pre-sowing stored seeds from various coastal villages, to field prospecting of the crop’s growth cycle in 3 different regions, throughout different stages of rice development. Through morphological identification and DNA analysis, the aim is to understand which pests and diseases are present in mangrove rice in Guinea-Bissau. And because wherever we go we should absorb what they teach us and leave a bit of ourselves behind, in addition to sharing knowledge with farmers on a day-to-day basis in the villages, I held training sessions for farmers in entomology and agricultural pathology in the three study regions. It’s definitely a small country with great people. Other interests/hobbies include Scuba Diving (CMAS 3 Star Diver), Espeleology, Astronomy (former guide at the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory), Scientific Illustration, and practicing Sports (Fencing athlete).


CEF contributes to the debate on solutions to the challenges of tropical regions | Tropical Summit 2024
CEF contributes to the debate on solutions to the challenges of tropical regions | Tropical Summit 2024
The Forest Research Centre (Centro de Estudos Florestais – CEF) was represented by several of … Read More


Scientific Articles (ISI)

Franco J.C., Branco M., Conde S., Garcia A., Fernandes M.R., Santos J.L., Messina T., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Ferreira M.T. (2022)

Ecological Infrastructures May Enhance Lepidopterans Predation in Irrigated Mediterranean Farmland, Depending on Their Typology and the Predator Guild

Sustainability, 14(7): 3874. DOI:

Froidevaux J.S.P., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2022)

The location and vegetation physiognomy of ecological infrastructures determine bat activity in Mediterranean floodplain landscapes

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 332: 107929. DOI: https://doi.or/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107929

Zina V., Fonseca A., Duarte G., Conde S., Fernandes M.R., Ferreira M.T., Franco J.C. (2021)

Ant diversity is enhanced by ecological infrastructures in agroecosystems: a case study in irrigated Mediterranean farmland.

Agronomy, 12(11): 2690. DOI:

Zina V., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Franco J.C., Fernandes M.R. (2020)

Land use system, invasive species and shrub diversity of the riparian ecological infrastructure determine the specific and functional richness of ant communities in Mediterranean river valleys

Ecological Indicators, 145: 109613. DOI:

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