
New CEF paper presents innovative tool for assessing the ecological quality of large rivers in Portugal based on fish communities
Scientific Articles (ISI)
Gonino G., Benedito E., Cionek V.M., Ferreira M.T., Oliveira J.M. (2020)
A fish-based index of biotic integrity for neotropical rainforest sandy soil streams – Southern Brazil
Water (Switzerland), 12(4): 1215. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w12041215
Mameri D., Rivaes R., Oliveira J.M., Padua J., Ferreira M.T., Santos J.M. (2020)
Passability of potamodromous species through a fish lift at a large hydropower plant (Touvedo, Portugal)
Sustainability, 12(1): 172. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12010172
Oliveira J.M., Paulino J.C., Segurado P., Rosado J., Rivaes R., Fernandes F., Serafim P., Ferrreira M.T. (2019)
Aquatic biodiversity and quality of streams in certified eucalypt plantations in Central Portugal
Forest Sciences, 47(123): 383-394.
Pascoal A., Oliveira J.M., Pereira A.P., Feas X., Anjos O., Estevinho L.M. (2017)
Influence of fining agents on the sensorial characteristics and volatile composition of mead
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 123(4): 562-571.
Murphy M., Hughes B., Alves C., Oliveira J., MacDonald D., Reich D., Heitman J.F., Bradley D. (2016)
Consultants’ role in fisheries (is there really a dark side?).
Fisheries, 41:484-487.
Oliveira J.M., Fernandes F., Ferreira M.T. (2016)
Effects of forest management on physical habitats and fish assemblages in Iberian eucalypt streams.
Forest Ecology and Management, 363: 1-10.
Santos J.M., Rivaes R., Oliveira J.M., Ferreira M.T. (2016)
Improving yellow eel upstream movements with fish lifts.
Journal of Ecohydraulics, 31(4): 791–803.
Godinho F.N., Pinheiro P.J., Oliveira J.M., Azedo R. (2014)
Responses of intermittent stream fish assemblages to irrigation development.
River Research and Applications, 30(10): 1248-1256.
Segurado P., Caiola N., Pont D., Oliveira J., Delaigue O., Ferreira M.T. (2014)
Comparability of fish-based ecological quality assessments for geographically distinct Iberian regions.
Science of the Total Environment, 476-477: 785-794.
Santos J.M., Encina L., Oliveira J.M., Teixeira A. (2013)
Feeding ecology of the Ruivaco achondrostoma oligolepis, a Portuguese endemic cyprinid fish.
Limnetica, 32: 27-38.
Oliveira J.M.,Segurado P., Santos J.M., Teixeira A., Ferreira M.T., Cortes R.V. (2012)
Modelling stream-fish functional traits in reference conditions: Regional and local environmental correlates.
PLoS ONE, 7(9): e45787.
Santos J.M., Reino L., Ferreira M.T., Oliveira J., Almeida P.R., Cortes R.V. (2011)
Complex size-dependent habitat associations in potamodromous fish species.
Aquatic Sciences, 73(2): 233-245.
Oliveira J.M., Hughes R.M., Ferreira M.T., Teixeira A., Morgado P., Cortes R.M., Bochechas J.H. (2009)
A preliminary fishery quality index for Portuguese streams.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 29: 1466-1478.
Ferreira M.T., Caiola N., Casals F., Oliveira J.M., Sostoa A. (2007)
Assessing perturbation of river fish communities in the Iberian Ecoregion.
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14: 519-530.
Ferreira M.T., Oliveira J., Caiola N., De Sostoa A., Casals F., Cortes R., Economou A., Zogaris S., Garcia-Jalon D., Ilhéu M., Martinez-Capel F., Pont D., Rogers C., Prenda J. (2007)
Ecological traits of fish assemblages from Mediterranean Europe and their responses to human disturbance.
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14: 473-481. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2400.2007.00584.x
Ferreira M.T., Sousa L., Santos J.M., Reino L., Oliveira J., Almeida P.R., Cortes R.V. (2007)
Regional and local environmental correlates of native Iberian fish fauna.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 16: 504-514.
Schmutz S., Melcher A., Frangez C., Haidvogl G., Beier U., Böhmer J., Breine J., Simoens I., Caiola N., De Sostoa A., Ferreira M.T., Oliveira J., Grenouillet G., Goffaux D., De Leeuw J.J., Noble R.A.A., Roset N., Virbickas T. (2007)
Spatially based methods to assess the ecological status of riverine fish assemblages in European ecoregions.
Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14: 441-452.
Projecto Aquariport: programa nacional de monitorização de recursos piscícolas e de avaliação da qualidade ecológica de rios
Oliveira J.M., Santos J.M., Teixeira A., Ferreira M.T., Pinheiro P.J., Geraldes A., Bochechas J. (2007)
Direcção Geral dos Recursos Florestais, Ministério da Agricultura, Desenvolvimento Rural e Pescas, Lisboa, 96 p. ISBN: 978-972-8097-67-7 URL: https://www.icnf.pt/api/file/doc/10b9c356a29f21f4
Book Chapters
Marques A.F., Borges J.G., Sousa P.M., Fonseca M., Gonçalves J.,Oliveira J. (2012)
An enterprise architecture approach for designing an integrated wood supply management system
In: Organizational integration of enterprise systems and resources: advancements and applications. Varajão J., Cruz-Cunha M.J., Trigo T. (Eds.). IGI Global, pp. 1-22. ISBN: 978-1-4666-1764-3