Scientific Articles (ISI)
Aparício B.A., Nunes J.P, Bernard-Jannin L., Dias L.F., Fonseca A., Ferreira M.T. (2023)
Modeling the role of ground-true riparian vegetation for providing regulating services in a Mediterranean watershed
International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 11(1): 159-168.. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2022.07.005
Franco J.C., Branco M., Conde S., Garcia A., Fernandes M.R., Santos J.L., Messina T., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Ferreira M.T. (2022)
Ecological Infrastructures May Enhance Lepidopterans Predation in Irrigated Mediterranean Farmland, Depending on Their Typology and the Predator Guild
Sustainability, 14(7): 3874. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14073874
Froidevaux J.S.P., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Zina V., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2022)
The location and vegetation physiognomy of ecological infrastructures determine bat activity in Mediterranean floodplain landscapes
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 332: 107929. DOI: https://doi.or/10.1016/j.agee.2022.107929
Fonseca A., Ugille J-P., Michez A., Rodríguez-González P., Duarte G., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2021)
Assessing the connectivity of riparian forests across a gradient of human disturbance: the potential of Copernicus “Riparian Zones” in two hydroregions
Forests, 12(6): 674. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f12060674
Fonseca A., Zina V., Duarte G., Aguiar F., Rodríguez-González P.M., Ferreira M.T., Fernandes M.R. (2021)
Riparian ecological infrastructures: potential for biodiversity-related ecosystem services in mediterranean human-dominated landscapes
Sustainability, 13(19): 10508. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910508
Zina V., Fonseca A., Duarte G., Conde S., Fernandes M.R., Ferreira M.T., Franco J.C. (2021)
Ant diversity is enhanced by ecological infrastructures in agroecosystems: a case study in irrigated Mediterranean farmland.
Agronomy, 12(11): 2690. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112690
Zina V., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Conde S., Ferreira M.T., Franco J.C., Fernandes M.R. (2020)
Land use system, invasive species and shrub diversity of the riparian ecological infrastructure determine the specific and functional richness of ant communities in Mediterranean river valleys
Ecological Indicators, 145: 109613. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109613
Aguiar F.C., Bentz J., Silva J.M.N., Fonseca A.L., Swart R., Santos F.D., Penha-Lopes G. (2018)
Adaptation to climate change at local level in Europe: an overview.
Environmental Science & Policy, 86: 38-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2018.04.010
Teodoro O.M.N.D., Fonseca A.L., Pereira H., Moutinho A.M.C. (2014)
Vacuum physics applied to the transport of gases through cork
Vacuum, 109:397-400.
Brazinha C., Fonseca A.P., Pereira H., Teodoro O.M.N., Crespo J.G. (2013)
Gas transport through cork: modelling gas permeation based on the morphology of a natural polymer material
Journal of Membrane Science, 428: 52-62.
Fonseca A.L., Brazinha C., Pereira H., Crespo J.G., Teodoro O.M.N. (2013)
Permeability of cork for water and ethanol
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61 (40): 9672-9679.
Faria D.P., Fonseca A.L., Pereira H., Teodoro O.M.N.D. (2011)
Permeability of cork to gases
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59: 3590-3597.
Book Chapters
Zina V., Franco J.C., Branco M., Fernandes M.R., Duarte G., Fonseca A., Ferreira M.T. (2022)
Ecological Infrastructures May Enhance Lepidopterans Predation
In: Scholarly Community Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/21181 .
Optimal Greening of Irrigated farmland to achieve a prime environment
Duration: 2016-2021
CEF Budget: 191.226 €