Scientific Articles (ISI)
Canadas M.J., Leal M., Soares F., Novais A., Ribeiro P.F., Schmidt L., Delicado A., Moreira F., Bergonse R., Oliveira S., Madeira P.M., Santos J.L. (2023)
Wildfire mitigation and adaptation: two locally independent actions supported by different policy domains
Land Use Policy, 124: 106444.. DOI:
Moreira, F., Leal, M., Bergonse, R., Canadas, M.J., Novais, A., Oliveira, S., Ribeiro, P. F., ZĂȘzere, J.L., & Santos, J.L. (2023)
Recent trends in fire regimes and associated territorial features in a megafire-prone Mediterranean region
Fire, 6(2): 60. DOI:
Ribeiro, P. F., Moreira, F., Canadas, M. J., Novais, A., Leal, M., Oliveira, S., Bergonse, R., ZĂȘzere, J. L., Santos, J. L. (2023)
Promoting Low-Risk Fire Regimes: An Agent-Based Model to Explore Wildfire Mitigation Policy Options
Fire, 6(3): 102. DOI:
Martins A., Novais A., Santos J.L., Canadas M.J. (2022)
Promoting landscape-level forest management in fire-prone areas: delegate management to a multi-owner collaborative, rent the land, or just sell it?
Forests, 13 (1): 22. DOI:
Novais A., Canadas M.J. (2022)
Small Forest ownersâ response to wildfire risk within a management-logic framework
Small-scale Forestry, 21:297â323. DOI:
Juerges N., Arts, B., Masiero M., Hossgstra-Klein, Borges J.G.,Brodrechtova Y., Brukas V., Canadas M. J. , Carvalho P.O., Corradini G., Corrigan E., Felton A., Karahalil U., Karakoc U., Krott ., van Laar J., Lodin I., Lundholm A., MakrickienÄ E., Marques M., Sarı B. (2021)
Power analysis as a tool to analyse trade-offs between ecosystem services in forest management: a case study from nine European countries
Ecosystem Services, 49: 101290. DOI:
Ribeiro P.P.C.F., Lima Santos J.M.O.B., Canadas M.J.P.R., Novais A.M.C.V., Moreira F.M.R.F., Lomba A.C.A.R. (2021)
Explaining farming systems spatial patterns: a farm-level choice model based on socioeconomic and biophysical drivers
Agricultural Systems, 191: 103140. DOI:
Santos J.L., Martins A., Novais A., Canadas M.J. (2021)
A choice-modeling approach to inform policies aimed at reducing wildfire hazard through the promotion of fuel management by forest owners
Forests, 12(4):403. DOI:
Santos J.L., Moreira F., Ribeiro P.F., Canadas M.J., Novais A., Lomba A. (2021)
A farming systems approach to linking agricultural policies with biodiversity and ecosystem services
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(3): 168-175. DOI:
Juerges N., Arts B.J.M., Masiero M., BaĆkent E.Z., Borges J.G., Brodrechtova Y., Brukas V., Canadas M., Carvalho P., Corradini G., Corrigan E., Felton A., Hoogstra-Klein M., Krott M., van Laar J., Lodin I., Lundholm A., Makrickiene E., Marques M., Mendes A., Mozgeris G., Novais A.M., Pettenella D., PivoriĆ«nas N. (2020)
Integrating ecosystem services in power analysis in forest governance: a comparison across nine European countries
Forest Policy and Economics, 121:102317. DOI:
Silva J.F., Santos J.L., Ribeiro P.F., Canadas M.J., Novais A., Lomba A., MagalhĂŁes M.R., Moreira F. (2020)
Identifying and explaining the farming system composition of agricultural landscapes: The role of socioeconomic drivers under strong biophysical gradients
Landscape and Urban Planning, 202: 10387. DOI:
Canadas M.J., Novais A. (2019)
Forest owners and fuels management coordination. When neighboursâ actions matter.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 34(1): 67-77. DOI:
Canadas M.J., Novais A., Marques M. (2016)
Wildfires, forest management and landowners’ collective action: a comparative approach at the local level.
Land Use Policy, 56: 179-188.
Canadas M.J., Novais A. (2014)
Bringing local socioeconomic context to the analysis of forest ownersâ management.
Land Use Policy, 41: 397-407.
Novais A., Canadas M.J. (2010)
Understanding the management logic of private forest owners: a new approach.
Forest Policy and Economics, 12: 173-180.
Book Chapters
Barros P., Abrantes G., Novais A., Madeira M. (2014)
PercepçÔes das comunidades rurais sobre os diques de contenção de sedimentos e ĂĄgua na bacia hidrogrĂĄfica de Ăguas Belas
In: Cabo Verde â Agronomia e Recursos Naturais. F. Cardoso Pinto (Ed.). ISAPress, Lisboa pp. 165-199. ISBN: 978-972-8669-54-6N
Jovens Agricultores
Avaliação e Divulgação das PolĂticas de Desenvolvimento Rural – Instalação de Jovens Agricultores no PRODER e PDR2020
Duration: 2019-2021