

World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024: CEF researchers recognized among the world’s leading researchers
World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024: CEF researchers recognized among the world’s leading researchers
The Stanford Elsevier Top Scientists List of the world’s best scientists for 2024 is out … Read More


Scientific Articles (ISI)

Lobo-do-Vale R., Besson C.K., Caldeira M.C., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2019)

Drought reduces tree growing season length but increases nitrogen resorption efficiency in a Mediterranean ecosystem

Biogeosciences, 16: 1265-1279.

Vincent-Barbaroux C., Berveiller D., Lelarge-Trouverie C., Maia R., Maguas C., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M., Damesin C. (2019)

Carbon-use strategies in stem radial growth of two oak species, one Temperate deciduous and one Mediterranean evergreen: what can be inferred from seasonal variations in the delta C-13 of the current year ring?

Tree Physiology, 39(8): 1329-1341. DOI:

Correia A.C., Galla A., Nunes A., Pereira J.S. (2018)

Ecological interactions between Cork Oak (Quercus suber L.) and Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.): results from a pot experiment

Forests, 9(9): 534.

Nogueira C., Bugalho M.N., Pereira J.S., Caldeira M.C. (2017)

Extended autumn drought, but not nitrogen deposition, affects the diversity and productivity of a Mediterranean grassland

Environmental and Experimental Botany, 138: 99-108.

Correia A.C., Costa e Silva F., Dubbert M., Piayda A., Pereira J.S. (2016)

Severe dry winter affects plant phenology and carbon balance of a cork oak woodland understorey

Acta Oecologica, 76: 1–12.

Sampaio T., Branco M., Guichoux E., Petit R.J., Pereira J.S., Varela M.C., Almeida M.H. (2016)

Does the geography of cork oak origin influence budburst and leaf pest damage?

Forest Ecology and Management, 373: 33-43.

Costa e Silva F., Correia A.C., Piayda A., Dubbert M., Rebmann C., Cuntz M., Werner C., David J.S., Pereira J.S. (2015)

Effects of an extremely dry winter on net ecosystem carbon exchange and tree phenology at a cork oak woodland

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 204: 48-57. DOI:

Shvaleva A., Siljanen H.M.P., Correia A., Silva F.C.E., Lamprecht R.E., Lobo-do-Vale R., Bicho C., Fangueiro D., Anderson M., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M., Cruz C., Martikainen P.J. (2015)

Environmental and microbial factors influencing methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in Mediterranean cork oak woodlands: trees make a difference

Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: 1104.

Surovy P., Ribeiro N.D., Pereira J.S., Yoshimoto A. (2015)

Estimation of cork production using aerial imagery

Revista Árvore, 39(5): 853-861.

Besson C.K., Lobo-do-Vale R., Rodrigues M.L., Almeida P., Herd A., Grant O.M., David T.S., Schmidt M., Otieno D., Keenan T.F., Gouveia C., Mériaux C., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2014)

Cork oak physiological responses to manipulated water availability in a Mediterranean woodland

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 184(0): 230-242.

Caldeira M.C., Ibáñez I., Nogueira C., Bugalho M.N., Lecomte X., Moreira A., Pereira J.S. (2014)

Direct and indirect effects of tree canopy facilitation in the recruitment of Mediterranean oaks

Journal of Applied Ecology, 51: 349-358.

Cerasoli S., Wertin T., McGuire M.A., Rodrigues A.P., Aubrey D.P., Pereira J.S., Teskey R.O. (2014)

Poplar saplings exposed to recurring temperature shifts of different amplitude exhibit differences in leaf gas exchange and growth despite equal mean temperature

AoB Plants, 6: plu018. DOI:

Correia A.C., Costa e Silva F., Correia A.V., Hussain M.Z., Rodrigues A.P.D., David J.S., Pereira J.S. (2014)

Carbon sink strength of a Mediterranean cork oak understorey: how do semi-deciduous and evergreen shrubs face summer drought?

Journal of Vegetation Science, 25(2): 411-426. DOI:

Dubbert M., Mosena A., Piayda A., Cuntz M., Correia A.C., Pereira J.S. Werner C. (2014)

Influence of tree cover on herbaceous layer development and carbon and water fluxes in a Portuguese cork-oak woodland

Acta Oecologica, 59: 35-45. DOI:

Dubbert M., Piayda A., Cuntz M., Correia A.C., Costa e Silva F., Pereira J.S., Werner C. (2014)

Stable oxygen isotope and flux partitioning demonstrates understory of an oak savanna contributes up to half of ecosystem carbon and water exchange

Frontiers in Plant Science, 5: 530. DOI:

Jongen M., Unger S., Pereira J.S. (2014)

Effects of precipitation variability on carbon and water fluxes in the understorey of a nitrogen limited montado ecosystem

Oecologia, 176(4): 1199-1212.

Pinto C.A., Nadezhdina N., David J.S., Kurz-Besson C., Caldeira M.C., Henriques M.O., Monteiro F.G., Pereira J.S., David, T.S. (2014)

Transpiration in Quercus suber trees under shallow water table conditions: the role of soil and groundwater

Hydrological Processes, 28(25): 6067-6079.

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P. M., Campelo F., Albuquerque A., Rivaes R., Ferreira M.T., Pereira J.S. (2014)

Sensitivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) growth to hydrological changes in wetland forests at the rear edge of the species distribution.

Plant Ecology, 215(2): 233-245. DOI:

David T.S., Pinto C.A., Nadezhdina N., Kurz-Besson C., Henriques O., Quilhó T., Cermak J., Chaves M. M., Pereira J.S., David J.S. (2013)

Root functioning, tree water use and hydraulic redistribution in Quercus suber trees: a modeling approach based on root sap flow

Forest Ecology and Management, 307: 136–146. DOI:

Jongen M., Lecomte X., Unger S., Fagueiro D., Pereira J.S. (2013)

Precipitation variability does not affect soil respiration and nitrogen dynamics in the understorey of a Mediterranean oak woodland

Plant and Soil, 372(1-2): 235-251.

Jongen M., Lecomte X., Unger S., Pintó-Marijuan M., Pereira J.S. (2013)

The impact of changes in the timing of precipitation on the herbaceous understorey of Mediterranean oak woodlands

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172: 163-173.

Jongen M., Unger S., Fangueiro D., Cerasoli S., Silva J.M.N., Pereira J.S. (2013)

Resilience of montado understorey to experimental precipitation variability fails under severe natural drought

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 178: 18-30.

Minunno F., van Oijen M., Cameron D.R., Cerasoli S., Pereira J.S., Tomé M. (2013)

Using a Bayesian framework and global sensitivity analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses of two process-based models differing in representation of autotrophic respiration

Environmental Modelling & Software, 42: 99-115.

Minunno F., van Oijen M., Cameron D.R., Pereira J.S., (2013)

Selecting parameters for bayesian calibration of a process-based model: a methodology based on canonical correlation analysis

SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 1(1):370-385.

Correia A.C., Minnuno F., Caldeira M.C., Banza J., Mateus J., Carneiro M., Wingate L.,Svalleva A., Ramos A., Bugalho N.M., Jongen M., Nogueira C., Lecomte X., Pereira J.S. (2012)

Soil water availability strongly modulates soil CO2 efflux in different Mediterranean ecosystems:model calibration using the Bayesian approach

Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment, 161: 88-100.

Pinto C.A., David J.S., Cochard H., Caldeira M.C., Henriques M.O., Quilhó T., Paço T.A., Pereira J.S., David T.S. (2012)

Drought-induced embolism in current-year shoots of two Mediterranean evergreen oaks

Forest Ecology and Management, 285: 1-10.

Unger S., Maguas C., Pereira J.S., David T.S., Werner C. (2012)

Interpreting post-drought rewetting effects on soil and ecosystem carbon dynamics in a Mediterranean oak savannah

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154: 9-18.

Vaz M., Cochard H., Gazarini L., Graça J., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2012)

Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) seedlings acclimate to elevated CO2 and water stress: photosynthesis, growth, wood anatomy and hydraulic conductivity

Trees-Structure and Function, 26(4): 1145-1157.

Bugalho M.N., Caldeira M.C., Pereira J.S., Aronson J., Pausas J. (2011)

Mediterranean cork oak savannas require human use to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services

Frontiers in Ecology and The Environment, 9(5): 278-286.

Jongen M., Pereira J.S., Aires L.M., Pio C.A. (2011)

The effects of drought and timing of precipitation on the inter-annual variation in ecosystem- atmosphere exchange in a Mediterranean grassland

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151: 595-606.

Otieno D.O., Mirzaei H., Hussain M.Z., Li Y.L., Schmidt M.W.T.,Wartinger M., Jung E., Ribeiro N., Pereira J.S., Tenhunen J. (2011)

Herbaceous layer development during spring does not deplete soil nitrogen in the Portuguese montado

Journal of Arid Environments, 75(3): 231-238. DOI:

Pinto C.A., Henriques M.O., Figueiredo J.P., David J.S., Abreu F.G., Pereira J.S., Correia I., David T.S. (2011)

Phenology and growth dynamics in Mediterranean evergreen oaks: effects of environmental conditions and water relations

Forest Ecology and Management, 262(3): 500-508. DOI:

Rodrigues A., Pita G., Mateus J., Kurz-Besson C., Casquilho M., Cerasoli S., Gomes A., Pereira J.S. (2011)

Eight years of continuous carbon fluxes measurements in a Portuguese eucalypt stand under two main events: drought and felling

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151(4): 493-507. DOI:

Shvaleva A., Lobo-do-Vale R., Cruz C., Castaldi S., Rosa A.P., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2011)

Soil-atmosphere greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) exchange in evergreen oak woodland in southern Portugal

Plant Soil and Environment, 57(10): 471-477.

Surový P., Ribeiro N., Brasil F., Pereira J.S., Oliveira M. (2011)

Method for evaluation of coarse cork oak root system by means of digital imaging

Agroforest Systems, 82(2): 111-119.

Vaz M., Maroco J., Ribeiro N., Gazarini L.C., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M. (2011)

Leaf-level responses to light in two co-occurring Quercus (Quercus ilex and Quercus suber): leaf structure, chemical composition and photosynthesis

Agroforest Systems, 82(2): 173-181.

Baldocchi D.D., Ma S., Rambal S., Misson L., Ourcival J.M., Limousin J.M., Pereira J.S., Papale D. (2010)

On the differential advantages of evergreenness and deciduousness in mediterranean oak woodlands: a flux perspective

Ecological Applications, 20: 1583-1597.

Buscardo E., Rodríguez-Echeverría S., Martín M.P., De Angelis P., Pereira J.S., Freitas H. (2010)

Impact of wildfire return interval on the ectomycorrhizal resistant propagules communities of a Mediterranean open forest

Fungal Biology, 114: 628-636.

Correia A.C., Pacheco C.A., Tomé M., Faias S., Dias A.C., Freire J., Carvalho P.O., Pereira J.S. (2010)

Biomass allometry and carbon factors for a Mediterranean pine (Pinus pinea L.)

Forest Systems, 19(3): 418-433. DOI:

Grant O.M., Tronina Å., Ramalho J.C., Besson C.K., Lobo-do-Vale R., Pereira J.S., Jones H.G., Chaves M.M. (2010)

The impact of drought on leaf physiology of Quercus suber L. trees: comparison of an extreme drought event with chronic rainfall reduction

Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(15): 4361-4371.

Unger S., Máguas C., Pereira J.S., Aires L., David T.S., Werner C. (2010)

Disentangling drought-induced variation in ecosystem and soil respiration using stable carbon isotopes

Oecologia,163: 1043-1057. DOI:

Unger S., Máguas C., Pereira J.S., David T.S., Werner C. (2010)

The influence of precipitation pulses on soil respiration – Assessing the “Birch effect” by stable carbon isotopes

Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42(10): 1800-1810.

Vaz M., Pereira J.S., Gazarini L.C., David T.S., David J.S., Rodrigues A.P., Maroco J., Chaves M.M. (2010)

Drought-induced photosynthetic inhibition and autumn recovery in two Mediterranean oak species (Quercus ilex and Quercus suber)

Tree Physiology, 30: 946-956. DOI:

Yi C.,  Ricciuto D., Li R., Wolbeck J., Xu X., Nilsson M., Jongen M., Pereira J.S. et al. (2010)

Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents

Environmental Research Letter, 5(3): 034007.

Cerasoli S., McGuire M.A., Faria J., Mourato M., Schmidt M., Pereira J.S., Chaves M., Teskey R.O. (2009)

CO2 efflux, CO2 concentration and photosynthetic refixation in stems of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.)

Journal of Experimental Botany, 60(1): 99-105.

Costa e Silva F., Shvaleva A., Broetto F., Ortuño M.F., Rodrigues M.L., Almeida M.H., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2009)

Acclimation to short-term low temperatures in two Eucalyptus globulus clones with contrasting drought resistance

Tree Physiology, 29(1): 77-86. DOI:

Maseyk K., Wingate L., Seibt U., Ghashghaie J., Bathellier C., Almeida P., Lobo do Vale R., Pereira J.S., Yakir D., Mencuccini M. (2009)

Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the delta C-13 of soil respired CO2 in a Mediterranean oak woodland

Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 45(4): 343-359.

Paço T.A., David T.S., Henriques M.O., Pereira J.S., Valente F., Banza J., Pereira F.L., Pinto C. David J.S. (2009)

Evapotranspiration from a Mediterranean evergreen oak savannah: the role of trees and pasture

Journal of Hydrology, 369: 98-106.

Unger S., Máguas C., Pereira J.S., Aires L., David T.S., Werner C. (2009)

Partitioning carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean oak forest to disentangle changes in ecosystem sink strength during drought

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 949-961.

Aires L.M., Pio C.A., Pereira J.S. (2008)

The effect of drought on energy and water vapor exchange above a mediterranean C3/C4 grassland in Southern Portugal

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148: 565-579.

Aires L.M., Pio C.A., Pereira J.S. (2008)

Carbon dioxide exchange above a Mediterranean C3/C4 grassland during two climatologically contrasting years

Global Change Biology, 14: 539-555.

Carvalhais N., Reichstein M., Seixas J., Collatz G.J., Pereira J.S., Berbigier P., Carrara A., Granier A., Montagnani L., Papale D., Rambal S., Sanz M.J., Valentini R. (2008)

Implications of the carbon cycle steady state assumption for biogeochemical modeling performance and inverse parameter retrieval

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22(2) – GB2007.

Correia I., Almeida M.H., Aguiar A., Alia R., David T.S., Pereira J.S. (2008)

Variations in growth, survival and carbon isotope composition (delta C-13) among Pinus pinaster populations of different geographic origins

Tree Physiology, 28: 1545-1552.

Li Y-L., Tenhunen J., Mirzaei H., Hussain M.Z., Siebicke L., Foken T., Otieno D., Schmidt M., Ribeiro N., Aires L., Pio C., Banza J., Pereira J.S. (2008)

Assessment and up-scaling of CO2 exchange by patches of the herbaceous vegetation mosaic in a Portuguese cork oak woodland

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148: 1318 – 1331.

Rodrigues M.L., Santos T.P., Rodrigues A.P., de Souza C.R., Lopes C.M., Maroco J.P., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M. (2008)

Hydraulic and chemical signalling in the regulation of stomatal conductance and plant water use in field grapevines growing under deficit irrigation

Functional Plant Biology, 35: 565-579.

Rodriguez-Gonzalez P.M., Pereira J.S., Ferreira M.T. (2008)

Tree foliar delta N-15 and delta C-13 signatures in Ibero Atlantic forested wetlands.

International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology – Proceedings, 30(3): 391-394.

Shvaleva A., Silva F.C., Scotti P., Ufir M.O., Hausman J.F., Cedric G., Ramos P., Almeida M.H., Rodrigues M.L., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M. (2008)

Physiological and biochemical responses to low non-freezing temperature of two Eucalyptus globulus clones differing in drought resistance

Annals of Forest Science, 65(2).

Wingate L., Seibt U., Maseyk K., Ogee J., Almeida J.P., Yakir D., Pereira J.S., Mencuccini M. (2008)

Evaporation and carbonic anhydrase activity recorded in oxygen isotope signatures of net CO2 fluxes from a Mediterranean soil

Global Change Biology, 14: 2178-2193.

Chaves M.M., Santos T.P., Souza C.R., Ortuno M.F., Rodrigues M.L, Lopes C.M., Maroco J.P., Pereira J.S. (2007)

Deficit irrigation in grapevine improves water-use efficiency while controlling vigour and production quality

Annals of Applied Biology, 150: 237-252.

Costa-e-Silva F., Shvaleva A., Almeida M.H., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2007)

Responses to chilling of two Eucalyptus globulus clones with contrasting drought resistance

Functional Plant Biology, 34: 794-802. DOI:

David T.S., Henriques M.O., Kurz-Besson C., Nunes J., Valente F., Vaz M., Pereira J.S., Siegwolf R., Chaves M.M., Gazarini L.C. e David J.S. (2007)

Water-use strategies in two co-occurring Mediterranean evergreen oaks: surviving the summer drought

Tree Physiology, 27 (6): 793-803. DOI:

Jarvis P., Rey A., Petsikos C., Wingate L., Rayment M., Pereira J.S., Banza J., David J.S., Miglietta F., Borghetti M., Manca G., Valentini R. (2007)

Drying and wetting of Mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: the “Birch effect”

Tree Physiology, 27 (7): 929-940.

Otieno D., Schmidt M.W.T., Kurz-Besson C., Lobo-do-Vale R., Pereira J.S., Tenhunen J. (2007)

Regulation of transpirational water loss in Quercus suber trees in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem

Tree Physiology, 27: 1179-1187.

Pereira J.S., Mateus J.A., Aires L.M., Pita G., Pio C., David J.S., Andrade V., Banza J., David T.S., Paço T.A., Rodrigues A.M. (2007)

Net ecosystem carbon exchange in three contrasting Mediterranean ecosystems – the effect of drought

Biogeosciences, 4(5): 791-802.

Santos T.P., Lopes C.M., Rodrigues M.L., Souza C.R., Ricardo-da-Silva J.M., Maroco J.P., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M. (2007)

Effects of deficit irrigation strategies on cluster microclimate for improving fruit composition of Moscatel field-grown grapevines

Scientia Horticulturae, 112: 321-330.

Silva F.C.E., Shvaleva A., Almeida M.H., Chaves M.M., Pereira J.S. (2007)

Responses to chilling of two Eucalyptus globulus clones with contrasting drought resistance

Functional Plant Biology, 34: 793-802.


Silvicultura – A gestão dos ecossistemas florestais

Alves A.A., Pereira J.S., Correia A.V. (2012)

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-31-1460-7 URL:

Cork oak woodlands on the edge – ecology, adaptive management and restoration

Aronson J., Pereira J.S., Pausas J.G. (Eds). (2009)

Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration. Island Press, New York, p. 352. ISBN: 9781597264785 URL:

O eucaliptal em Portugal. Impactes ambientais e investigação científica

Alves A.A., Pereira J.S., Silva J.M.N. (Eds.). (2007)

ISAPress, Lisboa, Portugal, 398 p. ISBN: 978-972-8669-25-6 URL:

Incêndios Florestais em Portugal: Caracterização, Impactes e Prevenção

Pereira J. S., Pereira J. M. C., Rego F. F., Silva J. M. N., Silva T. P. (2006)

ISAPress.. ISBN: ISBN 972-8669-17-8

Book Chapters

Cerasoli S., Caldeira M.C., Pereira J.S. (2016)

Eucalyptus globulus

In: European Atlas of Forest Species. San-Miguel-Ayanz J., de Rigo D., Caudullo G., Durrant T., Mauri A. Eds. Forest Resources and Climate Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, ISPRA. ISBN: 978-92-79-52833-0

Frank D., Reichstein M., Miglietta F., Pereira J.S. (2013)

Impact of climate variability and extremes on the carbon cycle of the Mediterranean region

In: Regional assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean. A. Navarra and L. Tubiana (Eds.). Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 30-47. ISBN: 978-94-007-5768-4

Hussain M.Z., Correia A.V., Pereira J.S., Correia A.C. (2013)

Influence of drought and forest fires on the productivity of evergreen oaks in the Iberian Peninsula

In: Droughts: new research. D.F. Neves and J. D. Sanz (Eds.). Nova Publishers, Series Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology, Hauppauge NY, pp. 289-310. ISBN: 978-1-62100-769-2

Pausas J.G., Pereira J.S., Aronson J. (2009)

The tree

In: Cork oak woodlands on the edge: conservation, adaptive management and restoration. J. Aronson, J.S. Pereira and J.G. Pausas (Eds.). Island Press, New York, pp. 11-21. . ISBN: 9781597264785

Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M., Kurz-Besson C. (2009)

Coping with drought

In: Cork oak woodlands on the edge: conservation, adaptive management and restoration. J. Aronson, J.S. Pereira, J.G. Pausas (Eds.). Island Press, New York, pp. 73-80. ISBN: 9781597264785

Pereira J.S., Correia A.P., Correia A.V., Borges J.G. (2009)


In: Ecossistemas e bem-estar humano. Avaliação para Portugal do Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. H.M. Pereira, T. Domingos, L. Vicente, V. Proença (Eds.). Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, pp. 183-212. URL:

Pereira J.S., Correia A.V., Joffre R. (2009)

Facing climate change

In: Cork oak woodlands on the edge: conservation, adaptive management and restoration. J. Aronson, J.S. Pereira, J.G. Pausas (Eds.). Island Press, New York, pp. 219-225. ISBN: 9781597264785

Pereira J.S., Tomé M. (2009)

Mitigação das emissões de CO2 fóssil pelas florestas

In: A energia da razão. Por uma sociedade com menos CO2. Ramôa Ribeiro F. (Eds.). Gradiva, Lisboa, pp. 269-285. ISBN: 978-989-616-321-1 URL:

Tenhunen J., Geyer R., Carreiras J.M.B., Ribeiro N.A., Dinh N.Q., Otieno D., Pereira J.S. (2009)

Simulating function and vulnerability of cork oak woodland ecosystems

In: Cork oak woodlands on the edge: conservation, adaptive management and restoration. J. Aronson, J.G. Pausas, J.S. Pereira (Eds.). Island Press, New York, pp. 227-234. ISBN: 9781597264785

Vallejo R., Aronson J., Pausas J.G., Pereira J.S., Fontaine C. (2009)

The way forward

In: Cork oak woodlands on the edge: conservation, adaptive management and restoration. J. Aronson, J.S. Pereira, J.G. Pausas (Eds.). Island Press, New York, pp. 234-245. ISBN: 9781597264785

Alves A.M., Pereira J.S., Silva J.M.N. (2007)

A introdução e a expansão do eucalipto em Portugal

In: O eucaliptal em Portugal: impactes ambientais e investigação científica. A.M. Alves, J.S. Pereira, J.M.N. Silva (Eds.). ISAPress, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, pp. 13 – 24. ISBN: 978-972-8669-25-6

Correia A.P., Pereira J.S., Mateus J., Pita G., Rodrigues A., Correia A.V., (2007)

Influências das alterações climáticas na cultura do eucalipto: cenários possíveis

In: O eucaliptal em Portugal: impactes ambientais e investigação científica. Alves A.M., Pereira J.S., Silva J.M.N.. ISAPress, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, pp. 357-379. ISBN: 978-972-8669-25-6

Pereira J.S., Martins H., Borges J.G. (2007)

Forests for the 21st Century?

In: portrait of state-of-the-art research at the Technical University of Lisbon. Pereira M.S. (Ed.). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 385-400. ISBN: 978-1-4020-5690-1

Soares P., Tomé M., Pereira J.S. (2007)

A produtividade do eucaliptal

In: O eucaliptal em Portugal: impactes ambientais e investigação científica. A.M.Alves, J.S. Pereira, J.M.N Silva (Eds.). ISA Press, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, pp. 27-59. ISBN: 978-972-8669-25-6

Pereira, J.S., Linder, S., Araújo, C., Pereira, H., Ericson, T., Borralho, N., Leal, L. (1989)

Optimization of biomass production in Eucalyptus globulus plantations. A case study

In: Biomass production by fast-growing trees. J.S. Pereira, J.J. Landsberg Eds. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 101-121.

Pereira, H., Pereira, J.S. (1988)

Short rotation forest biomass plantations in Portugal

In: Biomass Forestry in Europe – a strategy for the future. F.C. Hummel, W. Palz, G. Grassi Eds. Elsevier Appl. Sci. Publ., London, pp. 509-539.



Screening Alnus Glutinosa resistance to an emerging disease under climate stressors: predecting alder forests resilience across river networks.

Duration: 2018-2021

CEF Budget: 207.948 €