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Scientific Articles (ISI)

Aparício B.A., Nunes J.P, Bernard-Jannin L., Dias L.F., Fonseca A., Ferreira M.T. (2023)

Modeling the role of ground-true riparian vegetation for providing regulating services in a Mediterranean watershed

International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 11(1): 159-168.. DOI:

Aparício, Bruno A., Akli Benali, José M. C. Pereira, Ana C. L. Sá (2023)

MTTfireCAL’ package for R – An innovative, comprehensive and fast procedure to calibrate the MTT fire spread modelling system

Fire 6(6), 219. 3.2. DOI:

1. Sá, Ana C.L., Bruno Aparicio, Akli Benali, Chiara Bruni, Michele Salis, Fábio Silva, Martinho Marta-Almeida, Susana Pereira, Alfredo Rocha, and José M.C. Pereira (2022)

Coupling wildfire spread simulations and connectivity analysis for hazard assessment: a case study in Serra da Cabreira

Natural Hazards & Earth System Science, 22, 3917–3938. 4.6 . DOI:, 2022

Aparício B.A., Pereira J.M.C., Santos F.C., Bruni C., Sá A.C.L. (2022)

Combining wildfire behaviour simulations and network analysis to support wildfire management: a Mediterranean landscape case study

Ecological Indicators, 137: 108726. DOI:

Aparício B.A., Santos J.A., Freitas T.R., Sá A.C.L., Pereira J.M.C., Fernandes P.M. (2022)

Unravelling the effect of climate change on fire danger and fire behaviour in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of Meseta Iberica (Portugal-Spain)

Climatic Change, 173(1-2): 5. DOI:

Aparício, B.A., F. Alcasena, A. Ager, W Chung, J.M.C. Pereira, and A.C.L. Sá (2022)

Evaluating priority locations and potential benefits for building a nation-wide fuel break network in Portugal

Journal of Environmental Management, 320, 115920. 8.7. DOI:

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