
Book ADVANCES IN BOTANICAL RESEARCH – Coffee – A Glimpse into the Future.

CEF contributes to the debate on solutions to the challenges of tropical regions | Tropical Summit 2024

8th European Conference of Tropical Ecology | 24 to 28 February 2025

Tropical Summit 2024
Scientific Articles (ISI)
Alberto J.N., Ramalho J.C., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Viana A.P., Krohling C.A., Moiane S.S., Alberto Z., Rodrigues W.P., Partelli F.L. (2023)
Diversity in Coffea arabica cultivars in the Mountains of Gorongosa National Park – Mozambique regarding bean and leaf nutrient accumulation and physical fruit traits
Agronomy, 13, 1162. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13041162
Cassamo C.T., Draper D., Romeiras M.M., Marques I., Chiulele R., Rodrigues M., Stalmans M., Partelli F.L., Ribeiro-Barros A., Ramalho J.C. (2023)
Impact of Climate Changes in the Suitable Areas for Coffea arabica L. Production in Mozambique: Agroforestry as an Alternative Management System to Strengthen Crop Sustainability.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 346: 108341. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108341
Donhouedé JCF, Marques I, Salako KV, Assogbadjo AE, Ribeiro N, Ribeiro-Barros AI (2023)
Genetic and morphological diversity in populations of Annona senegalensis Pers. occurring in Western (Benin) and Southern (Mozambique) Africa
PeerJ 11, e15767. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.15767
Donhouedé JCF, Marques I, Salako KV, Assogbadjo AE, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Ribeiro N (2023)
The relative role of soil, climate, and genotype in the variation in nutritional value of Annona senegalensis fruits and leaves
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19012. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19012
Laamari I, Marques I, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Béjaoui Z, Abassi M (2023)
Can saline preconditioning enhance plant survival in degraded soils? Physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses in Casuarina glauca saplings.
Plant Ecology 224, 905–919 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-023-01346-w
Marques I., Fernandes I., Paulo O.S., Batista D., Lidon F.C., Partelli F.L., DaMatta F.M., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ramalho J.C. (2023)
Overexpression of Water-Responsive Genes Promoted by Elevated CO2 to Reduce ROS and Enhances Drought Tolerance in Coffea Species.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4): 3210. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24043210.
Tapaça I.P.E., Mavuque L., Corti R., Pedrazzani S., Maquia I., Tongai C., Partelli F., Ramalho J.C., Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2023)
Genomic Evaluation of Coffea arabica and Its Wild Relative Coffea racemosa in Mozambique: Settling Resilience Keys for the Coffee Crop in the Context of Climate Changes
Plants, 12: 244. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12102044
António CBS, Obieze C, Jacinto J, Maquia ISA, Massad T, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro NS, Máguas C, Marques I, Ribeiro-Barros AI (2022)
Linking bacterial rhizosphere communities of two pioneer species, Brachystegia boehmii and B. spiciformis, to the ecological processes of Miombo woodlands
Forests 13, 1840. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f13111840
Cassamo C.T., Mangueze A.V.J., Leitão A.E., Pais I.P., Moreira R., Campa C., Chiulele R., Reis F.O., Marques I., Scotti-Campos P., Lidon F.C., Partelli F.L., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ramalho J.C. (2022)
Shade and Altitude Implications on the Physical and Chemical Attributes of Green Coffee Beans from Gorongosa Mountain, Mozambique
Agronomy, 12: 2540. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12102540
Donhouedé J.C.F., Salako K.V., Gandji K., Idohou R., Tohoun R., Hounkpèvi A., Ribeiro N., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2022)
Food and medicinal uses of Annona senegalensis Pers.: a country-wide assessment of traditional theoretical knowledge and actual uses in Benin, West Africa
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 18: 10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-022-00510-2
dos Santos TB, da Silva Ferreira MF, Marques I, Oliveira SC, Zaidan IR, Oliveira MG, Rodrigues WP, Ribas AF, Guyot R, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Pereira LFP, Partelli FL (2022)
Current challenges and genomic advances towards the development resilient coffee genotypes to abiotic stresses
In: Genomic designing for abiotic stress resistant technical crops, p. 41-69, Kole C (ed). Springer, Cham. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05706-9_3
Fernandes I, Paulo OS, Marques I, Sarjkar I, Sen A, Graça I, Pawlowski K, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro-Barros AI (2022)
Fernandes I, Paulo OS, Marques I, Sarjkar I, Sen A, Graça I, Pawlowski K, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro-Barros AI. Salt stress tolerance in Casuarina glauca: insights from the branchlets transcriptome
Plants 11, 2942. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11212942
Macave O.A., Ribeiro N. S., Ribeiro A.I., Chaúque A., Bandeira R., Branquinho C., Washington-Allen R. (2022)
Modelling aboveground biomass of Miombo Woodlands in Niassa Special Reserve, Northern Mozambique
Forests, 13(2): 311. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f13020311
Marques I, Rodrigues AP, Gouveia D, Lidon FC, Martins S, Semedo MC, Gaillard JC, Pais IP, Semedo JN, Scotti-Campos P, Reboredo FH, Partelli FL, DaMatta F, Armengaud J, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Ramalho JC (2022)
High-resolution shotgun proteomics reveals that increased air [CO2] amplifies the acclimation response of Coffea species to drought regarding antioxidative, energy, sugar, and lipid dynamics
Journal of Plant Physiology 276, 153788. . DOI: ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2022.153788
Marques I., Gouveia D., Gaillard J.-C., Martins S., SemedoM.C., Lidon, F.C., Damatta F.M., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Armengaud J., Ramalho J.C. (2022)
Next-generation proteomics reveals a greater antioxidative response to drought in Coffea Arabica than in Coffea canephora
Agronomy, 12 (1): 148.DOI. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010148
Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A., Ramalho J.C. (2022)
Editorial: Tropical Plant Responses to Climate Change
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(13): 7236. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23137236
Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Pawlowski K., Ramalho J.C. (2022)
Mechanisms of salt stress tolerance in Casuarina: a review of recent research
Journal of Forest Research, 27(2): 113 – 116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2022.2036416
Vinci G., Marques I., Rodrigues A.P., Martins S., Leitão A.E., Semedo M.C., Silva M.J., Lidon F.C., DaMatta F.M., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ramalho J.C. (2022)
Protective Responses at the Biochemical and Molecular Level Differ between a Coffea arabica L. Hybrid and Its Parental Genotypes to Supra-Optimal Temperatures and Elevated Air [CO2]
Plants, 11: 2702. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11202702
Catarino S., Brilhante M., Essoh A.P., Charrua A.B., Rangel J., Roxo G., Varela E., Moldão M., Ribeiro-Barros A., Bandeira S., Moura M., Talhinhas P., Romeiras M.M. (2021)
Exploring physicochemical and cytogenomic diversity of African cowpea and common bean
Scientific Reports, 11: 12838. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91929-2
Ezeokoli O.T., Nuaila V.N.A., Obieze C.C., Muetanene B.A., Fraga I., Tesinde M.N., Ndayiragije A., Coutinho J., Melo A.M.P., Adeleke R.A., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Fangueiro D. (2021)
Assessing the impact of rice cultivation and off-season period on dynamics of soil enzyme activities and bacterial communities in two agro-ecological regions of Mozambique
Agronomy, 11: 694. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11040694
Gomes A.M.F., Draper D., Nhantumbo N., Massinga R., Ramalho J.C., Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2021)
Diversity of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] landraces in Mozambique: new opportunities for crop improvement and future breeding programs
Agronomy, 11(5): 991. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11050991
Jorge T.F., Ramalho J.C., Alseekh S., Pais I.P., Leitão A.E., Rodrigues A.P., Scotti-Campos P., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Fernie A.R., António C. (2021)
Will Casuarina glauca stress resilience be maintained in the face of climate change?
Metabolites, 11(9):593. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo11090593
Marques I., Fernandes I., Paulo O.S, Lidon F.C, DaMatta F.M., Ramalho J.C, Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2021)
A transcriptomic approach to understanding the combined impacts of supra-optimal temperatures and co2 revealed different responses in the polyploid Coffea arabica and its diploid progenitor C. canephora
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(6): 3125-3125. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390%2Fijms22063125
Ribeiro NS, Armstrong AH, Fischer R, Kim YS, Shugart HH, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Chauque A, Tera T, Washington-Allen R, Bandeira RR (2021)
Prediction of forest parameters and carbon accounting under different fire regimes in Miombo woodlands, Niassa Special Reserve, Northern Mozambique
Forest Policy and Economics 133, 102625. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102625
Rodrigues A.M., Jorge T., Osorio S., Pott D.M., Lidon F.C., DaMatta F.M., Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ramalho J.C., António C. (2021)
Primary metabolite profile changes in Coffea spp. promoted by single and combined exposure to drought and elevated CO2 concentration
Metabolites, 11(7): 427. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo11070427
Semedo J.N., Rodrigues A.P., Lidon F.C., Pais I.P., Marques I., Gouveia D., Armengaud J., Silva M.J., Martins S., Semedo M.C., Dubberstein D., Partelli F.L., Reboredo F.H., Scotti-Campos P., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., DaMatta F.M., Ramalho J.C. (2021)
Intrinsic non-stomatal resilience to drought of the photosynthetic apparatus in Coffea spp. is strengthened by elevated air [CO2]
Tree Physiology, 41(5): 708 – 727. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpaa158
Swamy B.P.M., Marathi B., Ribeiro-Barros A.I.F., Calayugan M.I.C., Ricachenevsky F.K. (2021)
Iron biofortification in rice: an update on quantitative trait loci and candidate genes
Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 647341. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.647341
Swamy BPM, Marathi B, Ribeiro-Barros AIF, Ricachenevsky FK (2021)
Editorial: Development of healthy and nutritious cereals: recent insights on molecular advances in breeding
Frontiers in Genetics 12, 635006. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2021.635006
Covele G., Gulube A., Tivana L., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Carvalho M.O., Ndayiragije A., Nguenha R. (2020)
Effectiveness of hermetic containers in controlling paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) storage insect pests
Journal of Stored Products Research, 89: 101710. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101710
Dubberstein D., Lidon F.C., Rodrigues A.P., Semedo J.N., Marques I., Rodrigues W.P., Gouveia D., Armengaud J., Semedo M.C., Martins S., Simões-Costa M.C., Moura I., Pais I.P., Scotti-Campos P., Partelli F.L., Campostrini E., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., DaMatta F.M., Ramalho J.C. (2020)
Resilient and sensitive key points of the photosynthetic machinery of Coffea spp. to the single and superimposed exposure to severe drought and heat stresses
Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 1049. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.01049
Gomes A.M.F., Draper D., Talhinhas P., Santos P.B., Simões F., Nhantumbo N., Massinga R., Ramalho J.C., Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2020)
Genetic diversity among Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) landraces suggests central mozambique as an important hotspot of variation
Agronomy, 10(12): 1893. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10121893
Gomes A.M.F., Rodrigues A.P., António C., Rodrigues A.M., Leitão A.E., Batista-Santos P., Nhantumbo N., Massinga R., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ramalho J.C. (2020)
Drought response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) landraces at leaf physiological and metabolite profile levels
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175: 104060. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104060
Maquia I.S., Fareleira P., Castro I.V.E., Brito D.R.A., Soares R., Chaúque A., Ferreira-Pinto M.M., Lumini E., Berruti A., Ribeiro N.S., Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2020)
Mining the microbiome of key species from african savanna woodlands: potential for soil health improvement and plant growth promotion
Microorganisms, 8(9): 1291. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8091291
Marques A.C., Lidon F.C., Coelho A.R.F., Pessoa C.C., Luís I.C., Scotti-Campos P., Simões M., Almeida A.S., Legoinha P., Pessoa M.F., Galhano C., Guerra M.A.M., Leitão R.G., Ramalho J.C., Semedo J.M.N., Bagulho A., Moreira J., Rodrigues A.P., Marques P., Silva C., Ribeiro-Barros A., Silva M.J., Silva M.M., Oliveira K., Ferreira D., Pais I.P., Reboredo F.H. (2020)
Quantification and tissue localization of selenium in rice (Oryza sativa l., poaceae) grains: a perspective of agronomic biofortification
Plants, 9(12): 1670. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants9121670
Marques I., Fernandes I., David P.H.C., Paulo O.S., Goulão L.F., Fortunato A.S., Lidon F.C., DaMatta F.M., Ramalho J.C., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2020)
Transcriptomic leaf profiling reveals differential responses of the two most traded coffee species to elevated [CO2]
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(23): 9211. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21239211
Roda F.A., Marques I., Batista-Santos P., Esquivel M.G., Ndayiragije A., Lidon F.C., Swamy B.P.M., Ramalho J.C., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2020)
Rice biofortification with zinc and selenium: a transcriptomic approach to understand mineral accumulation in flag leaves
Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 543. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2020.00543
Senkoro A.M., Talhinhas P., Simões F., Batista-Santos P., Shackleton C.M., Voeks R.A., Marques I., Ribeiro-Barros A.I. (2020)
The genetic legacy of fragmentation and overexploitation in the threatened medicinal African pepper-bark tree, Warburgia salutaris
Scientific Reports, 10(1): 19725. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76654-6
Silva L.O.E., Schmidt R., Valani G.P., Ferreira A., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Partelli F.L. (2020)
Root trait variability in Coffea canephora genotypes and its relation to plant height and crop yield
Agronomy-Basel, 10(9): 1394. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091394
Mbanze A.A., Martins A.M., Rivaes R., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ribeiro N.S. (2019)
Field data on vegetation structure and effects of human use of the Dambos ecosystem in Northern Mozambique
Data in Brief, 26: 104454.
Food Systems Resilience
Ribeiro-Barros AI, Tevera DS, Goulao LF , Tivana LD (2022)
London: IntechOpen, 230 p.. URL: https://www.intechopen.com/books/10897
Book Chapters
Rodrigues W.P., Campostrini E., Bernado W.P., Baroni D.F., Machado-Filho J.A., Partelli F.L., Ramalho J.C., Ribeiro A.I., Leitao A.E., Lidon F.J.C, Scotti-Campos P., Rakocevic M., DaMatta F.M. (2021)
Coffee plants in the context of global climate change
In: Adapting to climate change: Strategies for Brazilian agricultural and livestock systems. Sotta E.D., Sampaio F.G., Marzall K., Silva W.G. (Eds.), p. 50-51. Edition from Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply, MAPA / SENAR, Brazil. 187 p. ISBN: 978-65-86803-39-6 URL: https://www.gov.br/agricultura/pt-br/assuntos/sustentabilidade/plano-abc/arquivo-publicacoes-plano-abc/adapting-to-climate-change-strategies-for-brazilian-agricultural-and-livestock-systems.pdf/view
Figueira, A. M., Nhantumbo, N., Ferreira-Pinto, M., Massinga, R., Ramalho, J. C., & Ribeiro-Barros, A. (2019)
Breeding Elite Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] Varieties for Improved Food Security and Income in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
In: Legume Crops – Characterization and Breeding for Improved Food Security. El-Esawi, M. (Ed). IntechOpen, ISBN 978-1-83968-087-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5772/intchopen.84985
Dubberstein D, Rodrigues WP, Semedo JN, Rodrigues AP, Pais IP, Leitão AE, Partelli FL, Campostrini E, Reboredo F, Scotti-Campos P, Lidon FC, Ribeiro-Barros AI, DaMatta FM, Ramalho JC (2018)
Mitigation of the negative impact of warming on the coffee crop: the role of increased air [CO2] and management strategies
In: In: Climate resilient agriculture – strategies and perspectives. A Shanker, C Shanker, C Srinivasarao (Eds), Intech, London. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.72374
Ribeiro-Barros AI, Silva MJ, Moura I, Ramalho JC, Máguas-Hanson C, Ribeiro NS (2018)
The potential of tree and shrub legumes in agroforestry systems
In: Nitrogen in agriculture – Updates, p. 223-239. Khan A., Fahad S. (eds). InTech, London. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.69995
Semedo JN, Rodrigues WP, Dubberstein D, Martins MQ, Martins LD, Pais IP, Rodrigues AP, Leitão AE, Partelli F, Campostrini E, Tomaz MA, Reboredo FH, Scotti-Campos P, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Lidon FC, DaMatta FM, Ramalho JC (2018)
Coffee responses to drought, warming and high [CO2] in a context of future climate change scenarios
In: Climate change management: Theory and practice of climate adaptation, p. 465-477. F Alves, WL Filho, Azeiteiro U (Eds), Springer, Cham.. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72874-2_26
GO – Biofortificação de Tomate
GO – Biofortificação de Tomate Para Processamento Industrial e Em Modo de Produção Biológico – MPBIO
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 19925,79 € €
GO – Biofortificação de Trigo
GO – Biofortificação de Trigo Mole em Zinco Para Produção de Farinha
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 18639,76 € €
GO – Biofortificação de Uva
GO – Biofortificação de Uva em Zinco Para Produção de Vinho Branco e Tinto
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 19901,57 € €
GO – Fortificação de Arroz
GO – Fortificação de Arroz em Selénio
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 20086,63 € €
GO – Fortificação de Batata
GO – Fortificação de Batata em Cálcio
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 19800,03 € €
GO – Fortificação de Pera Rocha
GO – Fortificação de Pera Rocha em Cálcio
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 20088,25 € €
Avaliação do Rendimento e Qualidade Em Trigo Mole em função das Interações Água-Azoto
Duration: 2017-2020
CEF Budget: 15102,56 € €
A multidisciplinary approach to address the effects of climate change and fires on miombo woodlands of Niassa National Reserve, northern Mozambique
Duration: 2017-2020
CEF Budget: 10.000 €