Scientific Articles (ISI)

Daccak D., Lidon F.C., Coelho A.R.F., LuĂ­s I.C., Marques A.C., Pessoa C.C., Brito M.G., Kullberg J.C., Ramalho J.C., Rodrigues A.P., Campos P.S., Pais I.P., Semedo J.M.N., Silva M.M. (2023)

Assessment of Physicochemical Parameters in two Winegrapes Varieties after Foliar Application of ZnSO4 and ZnO

Plants, 12: 1426. DOI:

De Luca, Giandomenico, Giuseppe Modica, JoĂŁo M. N. Silva, Salvatore PraticĂČ, and JosĂ© M.C. Pereira (2023)

Assessing tree crown fire damage integrating linear spectral mixture analysis and supervised machine learning on Sentinel-2 imagery

International Journal of Digital Earth. 5.1. DOI:

Donhouedé JCF, Marques I, Salako KV, Assogbadjo AE, Ribeiro N, Ribeiro-Barros AI (2023)

Genetic and morphological diversity in populations of Annona senegalensis Pers. occurring in Western (Benin) and Southern (Mozambique) Africa

PeerJ 11, e15767. DOI:

Donhouedé JCF, Marques I, Salako KV, Assogbadjo AE, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Ribeiro N (2023)

The relative role of soil, climate, and genotype in the variation in nutritional value of Annona senegalensis fruits and leaves DOI:

Frey, B., Moser, B., Tytgat, B., Zimmermann, S., Alberti, J., Biederman, L. A., Borer, E. T., Broadbent, A. A., Caldeira, M. C., Davies, K. F., Eisenhauer, N., Eskelinen, A., Fay, P. A., Hagedorn, F., Hautier, Y., MacDougall, A. S., McCulley, R. L., Moore, J. L., Nepel, M., . . . Risch, A. C. (2023)

Long-term N-addition alters the community structure of functionally important N-cycling soil microorganisms across global grasslands

Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 176, 108887. DOI:

Laamari I, Marques I, Ribeiro-Barros AI, BĂ©jaoui Z, Abassi M (2023)

Can saline preconditioning enhance plant survival in degraded soils? Physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses in Casuarina glauca saplings.

Plant Ecology 224, 905–919 . DOI:

Lobo-do-Vale R., Rafael T., Haberstroh S., Werner C., Caldeira M.C. (2023)

Shrub invasion overrides the effect of imposed drought on the photosynthetic capacity and physiological responses of Mediterranean cork oak trees

Plants-Basel, 2(8): 1636. DOI:

Lobo-do-Vale, R.; Haberstroh, S.; Werner, C.; Nogueira, C.; Bugalho, M.N.; Caldeira, M.C (2023)

Effects of Shrub Encroachment on Carbon Assimilation and Growth of Mediterranean Cork Oak Trees Depend on Shrub Cover Density

Forests, 14(5): 960. DOI:

Marques A.C., Lidon F.C., Coelho A.R.F., Pessoa C.C., Daccak D., Luís I.C., SimÔes M., Scotti-Campos P., Almeida A.S., Guerra M., Leitão R.G., Bagulho A., Moreira J., Pessoa M.F., Legoinha P., Ramalho J.C., Semedo J.M.N., Palha L., Silva C., Silva M.M., Oliveira K., Pais I.P., Reboredo F.H. (2023)

Elemental Composition and Implications on Brown Rice Flour Biofortified with Selenium

Plants, 12: 1611. DOI:

Marques I., Fernandes I., Paulo O.S., Batista D., Lidon F.C., Partelli F.L., DaMatta F.M., Ribeiro-Barros A.I., Ramalho J.C. (2023)

Overexpression of Water-Responsive Genes Promoted by Elevated CO2 to Reduce ROS and Enhances Drought Tolerance in Coffea Species.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4): 3210. DOI:

Morais T.G., Jongen M., Tufik C (2023)

Characterization of portuguese sown rainfed grasslands using remote sensing and machine learning

Precision Agriculture, 24(1): 161 - 186. DOI:

Neves, A. K., Campagnolo, M. L., Silva, J. M., & Pereira, J. M. (2023)

A Landsat-based atlas of monthly burned area for Portugal, 1984–2021

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 119, 103321. DOI:

Pais I.P., Moreira R., Semedo J.N., Ramalho J.C., Lidon F.C., Coutinho J., Maçãs B., Scotti-Campos P. (2023)

Wheat Crop Under Waterlogging: Potential Soil and Plant Effects

Plants, 12: 149. DOI:

Pascual A., Guerra-Hernandez J. (2023)

Correction of phenology-induced effects in forest canopy height models based on airborne laser scanning data. Insights from the deciduous mountain forests in Picos de Europa National Park in Spain

Ecological Informatics, 75: 102092. DOI:

Pascual A., Guerra-Hernandez J., Armston J., Minor D.M., Duncanson L.I., May P.B., Kellner J.R., Dubayah R. (2023)

Assessing the performance of NASA's GEDI L4A footprint aboveground biomass density models using National Forest Inventory and airborne laser scanning data in Mediterranean forest ecosystems

Forest Ecology and Management, 538: 120975. DOI:

Pinto C.A., Correia A.C., Caldeira M.C., David T.S. & Costa e Silva F (2023)

Plant height determines phenological variation in Quercus suber L.

Silva Lusitana 31(1): 1-29.

Rakocevic M., Baroni D.F., Souza G.A.R., Bernado W.P., Almeida C.M., Matsunaga F.I., Rodrigues W.P., Ramalho J.C., Campostrini E. (2023)

Correlating Coffea canephora 3D Architecture to Plant Photosynthesis at Daily Scale and Vegetative Biomass Allocation.

Tree Physiology, 43(4): 556-574. DOI:

Rakocevic M., Scholz M.B.S., Pazianotto R.A.A., Matsunaga F.T., Ramalho J.C (2023)

Variation in Yield, Berry Distribution and Chemical Attributes of Coffea arabica Beans among the Canopy Strata of Four Genotypes Cultivated under Contrasted Water Regimes.

Horticulturae, 9(2): 215. DOI:

Ramalho J.C., Pelica J., Lidon F.C., Silva M.M.A., SimÔes M.M., Guerra M., Reboredo F.H (2023)

Soil Arsenic Toxicity Impact on the Growth and C-Assimilation of Eucalyptus nitens

Sustainability, 15: 6665. DOI:

Risch A.C., Zimmermann S., SchĂŒtz M., Borer E.T., Broadbent A.A.D., Caldeira M.C., Davies K.F., Eisenhauer N., Eskelinen A., Fay P.A., Hagedorn F., Knops J.M.H., Lembrechts J.J., MacDougall A.S., McCulley R.L., Melbourne B.A., Moore J.L., Power S.A., Seabloom E.W., Silviera M.L., Virtanen R., Yahdjian L., Ochoa-Hueso R. (2023)

Drivers of the microbial metabolic quotient across global grasslands

Global Ecology and Biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(6): 904 – 918. DOI: