
Discover Forests: Open for submissions – Landscape Management Planning for Multiple Ecosystem Services in Forests

New CEF article proposes methodology for characterising Management Units (MUs) in dense forests

New CEF article explores an innovative approach to optimizing forest management with fire simulation

Special Issue “Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Change and Forest Ecosystems” is now open for submission

New CEF paper presents two models for optimising the construction and maintenance of forest road networks

Call for applications for a Postdoctoral scholarship – Project MODFIRE
Scientific Articles (ISI)
Abate D. , Marques S., Bushenkov V., Riffo J., Weintraub A., Constantino M., Lagoa C., Borges J.G. (2024)
Assessment of tradeoffs between ecosystem services in large spatially constrained forest management planning problems
Front. For. Glob. Change, Volume 7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2024.1368608
Alvelos F., Martins I., Marques S. (2024)
Forest management with fire simulation.
European Journal of Operational Research. DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2024.10.013
Constantino M. F., Mesquita M., Marques S., Tóth S. F., Borges J. G. (2024)
Road network, landing location, and routing optimization for forest smallholders landscapes
International Transactions in Operational Research, 1–30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.13485
Magalhães J.A., Guerra-Hernández J., Cosenza D. N., Marques S., Borges J.G., Tomé M. (2024)
Development of a Methodology Based on ALS Data and Diameter Distribution Simulation to Characterize Management Units at Tree Level
Remote Sens., 16(22), 4238 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224238
Marques, S., Rodrigues, A.R., Paulo, J.A., Botequim, B., Borges, J.G. (2024)
Addressing Carbon Storage in Forested Landscape Management Planning—An Optimization Approach and Application in Northwest Portugal.
Forests 2024, 15, 408. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f15030408
Pavani-Biju B., Borges J.G., Marques S., Teodoro A. C. (2024)
Enhancing Forest Site Classification in Northwest Portugal: A Geostatistical Approach Employing Cokriging
Sustainability, 16, 6423. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su16156423
Ferreira L., Baptista A. N., Constantino M., Marques S., Martins I., Borges J.G. (2023)
Integrating wildfire resistance and environmental concerns into a sustainable forest ecosystem management approach
Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 6 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1177698
Abate D., Borges J.G., Marques S., Bushenkov V. (2022)
An ecological-economic approach to assess impacts of the expansion of eucalyptus plantations in agroforest landscapes of Northern Ethiopia
Forests, 13 (5): 686. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f13050686
Kindu M., Bingham L.R., Borges J.G., Marques S., Nahorna O., Eggers J., Knoke T. (2022)
Opportunity costs of in situ carbon storage derived by multiple-objective stand-level optimization – results from case studies in Portugal and Germany
Land, 11(11): 2085. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/land11112085
Mesquita M., Marques S., Marques M., Marto M., Constantino M., Borges J.G. (2022)
An optimization approach to design forest road networks and plan timber transportation.
Operational Research, 22: 2973–3001. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-021-00640-7
Botequim B., Bugalho M.N., Rodrigues A.R., Marques S., Marto M., Borges J.G. (2021)
Combining tree species composition and understory coverage indicators with optimization techniques to address concerns with landscape-level biodiversity
Land 2021, 10: 126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/land10020126
Cantarinha A., Moreira E., Oliveira M., Marques S., Mexia J.T. (2021)
A risk model for forest fires based on asymptotic results for multivariate collective models. Single models and structured families of models
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. . DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2022.2034867.
Marques M., Reynolds K.M., Marques S., Marto M., Paplanus S., Borges J.G. (2021)
A participatory and spatial multicriteria decision approach to prioritize the allocation of ecosystem services to management units
Land, 10(7): 747. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/land10070747
Marques S., Bushenkov V., Lotov A., Borges J.G. (2021)
Building Pareto Frontiers for ecosystem services tradeoff analysis in forest management planning integer programs
Forests, 12(9): 1244. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f12091244
Marto M., Bushenkov V.A., Reynolds K.M., Borges J.G., Marques S. (2021)
A web-based approach for visualizing interactive decision maps
Information, 12(1): 9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/info12010009
Mesquita M., Marques S., Marques M., Marto M., Constantino M., Borges J.G. (2021)
An optimization approach to design forest road networks and plan timber transportation
Operational Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-021-00640-7
Rodrigues A.R., Marques S., Botequim B., Marto M., Borges J.G. (2021)
Forest management for optimizing soil protection: a landscape-level approach
Forest Ecosystems, 8: 50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-021-00324-w
Marques S., Bushenkov V.A., Lotov A.V., Marto M., Borges J.G. (2020)
Bi-level participatory forest management planning supported by Pareto frontier visualization
Forest Science, 66(4): 490-500. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxz014
Marto M., Reynolds K.M., Borges J.G., Bushenkov V. A., Marques S., Marques M., Barreiro S., Botequim B., Tomé M. (2019)
Web-Based forest resources management decision support system
Forests, 10(12): 1079.
Marto M., Reynolds K.M., Borges J.G., Bushenkov V.A., Marques S. (2018)
Combining decision support approaches for optimizing the selection of bundles of ecosystem services
Forests, 9(7): 438.
Borges J.G., Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Rahman A.U., Bushenkov V.A., Sottomayor M., Carvalho P.O., Nordström E.-M. (2017)
A multiple criteria approach for negotiating ecosystem services supply targets and forest owners’ programs
Forest Science, 63: 49–61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5849/FS-2016-035
Botequim B., Arias-Rodil M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Marques S., Borges J.G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M. (2017)
Modelling post-fire mortality in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal – A forest planning-oriented model
Sustainability, 9(3): 390.
Marques S., Marto M., Bushenkov V.A., McDill M.E., Borges J.G. (2017)
Addressing wildfire risk in forest management planning with multiple criteria decision making methods
Sustainability, 9(2): 298.
Orazio C., Montoya R., Régolini M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Barreiro S., Botequim B., Marques S., Sedmák R., Smreček R., Brodrechtová Y., Brukas V., Chirici G., Marchetti M., Moshammer R., Biber P., Corrigan E., Eriksson L. O., Favero M., Galev E., Geerten E., Hengeveld M., Kavaliauskas M., Mozgeris G., Navrátil R., Nieuwenhuis M., Paligorov I., Pettenella D., Stanislovaitis A., Tomé M., Trubins R., Tuček J., Vizzarri M., Wallin I., Pretzsch H., Sallnäs O. (2017)
Decision support tools and strategies to simulate forest landscape evolutions integrating forest owner behavior: a review from the case studies of the European Project, INTEGRAL
Sustainability, 9(4): 599.
Biber P., Borges J.G., Moshammer R., Barreiro S., Botequim B., BrodrechtováY., Brukas V., Chirici G., Cordero-Debets R., Corrigan E., Ola Eriksson L., Favero M., Galev E., Garcia- Gonzalo J., Hengeveld G., Kavaliauskas M., Marchetti M., Marques S., Mozgeris G., Navrátil R., Nieuwenhuis M., Orazio C., Paligorov I., Pettenella D., Sedmák R., Smrecek R., Stanislovaitis A., Tomé M., Trubins R., Tucek J., Vizzarri M., Wallin I., Pretzsc H., Sallnäs O. (2015)
How sensitive are ecosystem services in european forest landscapes to silvicultural treatment?
Forests, 6(5):1666-1695.
Botequim B., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Marques S., Fernandes P.M., Pereira J.M.C., Tomé M. (2015)
A model of shrub biomass accumulation as a tool to support management of Portuguese forests
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8:114-125.
Tuček J., Sedmák R., Majlingová A., Sedliak M., Marques S. (2015)
Decision support systems in Slovak forestry planning: a systematic review
Forestry Journal Lesnícky Časopis Forestry Journal, 61: 19-30.
Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Bushenkov V.A., McDill M. E., Marques S., Oliveira M.M. (2014)
Addressing multi-criteria forest management with Pareto Frontier methods: an application in Portugal
Forest Science, 60: 63-72.
Botequim B., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Ricardo A., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M., (2013)
Developing wildfire risk probability models for Eucalyptus globulus stands in Portugal
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 6: 217-227.
Garcia-Gonzalo J., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Ricardo A., Marques S., Botequim B., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M., Pereira J.M.C. (2012)
Modelling wildfire risk in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal
Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung (AFJZ) – German Journal of Forest Research, 183 (11/12): 238-248.
Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Ricardo A., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Oliveira M.M. (2012)
Assessing wildfire risk probability in Pinus pinaster Ait. stands in Portugal
Forest Systems, 21(1): 111-120.
Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
A three-step approach to post-fire mortality modelling in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands for enhanced forest planning in Portugal
Forestry, 84(2): 197-206.
Marques S., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Moreira F., Carreiras J.M.B., Oliveira M.M.,Cantarinha A., Botequim B., Pereira J.M.C. (2011)
Characterization of wildfires in Portugal
European Journal of Forest Research, 130(5):775-784.
Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
Developing post-fire Eucalyptus globulus stand damage and tree mortality models for enhanced forest planning in Portugal
Silva Fennica, 45(1): 69-83.
Borges P.J., Fragoso R., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J. G., Marques S., Lucas M.R. (2010)
Assessing impacts of Common Agricultural Policy changes on regional land use patterns with a decision support system. An application in Southern Portugal
Forest Policy and Economics, 12(2): 111-120.
Book Chapters
Santos, C., Xambre, A. R., Hall, A., Alvelos, H., Marques, S., Martins, I., & Alvelos, F. (2022)
Modelling Forest Fire Spread Through Discrete Event Simulation
In: In Congress of the Portuguese Association of Operational Research (pp. 209-226). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-3-031-46439-3_15
Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Valdebenito V., McDill M.E., Falcão A.O. (2014)
Strategic management scheduling
In: The management of industrial forest plantations. Theoretical foundations and applications. Borges J.G., L. Diaz-Balteiro, M.E. McDill, L.C.E. Rodriguez (Eds.). Springer, Managing Forest Ecosystems, 33, pp. 171-238. ISBN: 978-94-017-8898-4
Natário I., Oliveira M.M., Marques S. (2014)
Using INLA to estimate a highly dimensional spatial model for forest fires in Portugal
In: New advances in statistical modeling and applications. Pacheco A., Santos R., Oliveira R., Paulino C., (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, pp. 239-247. ISBN: 978-3-319-05323-3 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-05323-3_23
Borges J G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Guerra-Hernandez J., Marques S., Palma J. (2013)
A decision support system for forest management planning under climate change
In: Adapting to climate change in European forests – results of the MOTIVE Project. J. Fitzgerald and M. Linder (Eds.). Pensoft, pp. 89-92. URL: https://efi.int/sites/default/files/files/publication-bank/projects/MOTIVE2_FINAL_FULL.pdf
Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Guerra-Hernandez J., Marques S., Palma J.H.N. (2013)
Chapter IX. A decision support system for forest management planning under climate change
In: Adapting to climate change in European forests – results of the MOTIVE Project. J. Fitzgerald and M. Linder (Eds.). Pensoft, pp. 89-92.. URL: http://motive.pensoft.net/NPDOCS/MOTIVE2_FINAL_FULL.pdf
Oliveira M.M., Natário I., Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Pereira J.M., Tomé J., Demétrio C. (2013)
Aplicações estatísticas em análise de catástrofes naturais. O caso da ocorrência e impacte dos incêndios florestais sobre a floresta em Portugal
In: Matemática do Planeta Terra. F.P. Costa, J.T. Pinto, J. Buescu (Eds.). ISTPress, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, pp. 235-261. ISBN: 978-989-8481-26-9 URL: http://istpress.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/node/380
Landscape resilience knowledge alliance for agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean basin
Duration: 2022-2024
CEF Budget: 329187.50€ €
Decision Support for the Supply of Ecosystem Services under Global Change
Duration: 2021-2025
CEF Budget: 258300,00 €
Tecnologias inovadoras & soluções sócio-ecológicas-económicas para territórios resistentes aos incêndios na Europa
Duration: 2021-2025
CEF Budget: 633455.84 € €
Erasmus Mundus Master’s Program – Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management
Duration: 2020-2025
CEF Budget: 3661800 €
Eating the wild: Improving the value-chain of Mediterranean Wild Food Products
Duration: 2020-2023
CEF Budget: 67000 €
A multiple criteria approach to integrate wildfire behavior in forest management planning
Duration: 2019-2023
CEF Budget: 219946.25 €
Novel business models to sustainably supply forest ecosystem services
Duration: 2019-2022
CEF Budget: 49800 €