
🌲 Non-Wood Forest Products: New Book Coming Soon 📚✨

New CEF article proposes methodology for characterising Management Units (MUs) in dense forests

New CEF article analyses the role of forest certification to mitigate oak decline in Portugal

World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024: CEF researchers recognized among the world’s leading researchers

StandsSIM Web App, a Forest Stand Growth Simulator, is available with the new CEF platform simflor.online

New CEF paper presents the results of a fertirrigation experiment on grafted stone pine trees

New CEF paper analyses tree diameter development in young cork oak plantations
Scientific Articles (ISI)
Correia A. C., Farinha A., Silva J.E.P., Nunes A., Conceição N., Marcelo M. E., Sarmento A., Tomé M., Soares J., Fontes L. (2024)
Fertirrigation in grafted Pinus pinea L. trees: denser crowns but no effect on cone production or masting cycles
Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 569, 122164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122164
Firmino, P., Paulo, J. A., Lourenço, A., Tomé, M., Campagnolo, M. (2024)
How do soil and topographic drivers determine tree diameter spatial distribution in even aged cork oak stands installed in average to high productivity areas.
New Forests. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-024-10047-9
Magalhães J.A., Guerra-Hernández J., Cosenza D. N., Marques S., Borges J.G., Tomé M. (2024)
Development of a Methodology Based on ALS Data and Diameter Distribution Simulation to Characterize Management Units at Tree Level
Remote Sens., 16(22), 4238 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224238
Mexia T., Caldeira M.C., Lecomte X., Dias F.S., Tomé M., Nunes L., Bugalho M.N. (2024)
Is forest certification mitigating oak decline in Mediterranean open woodlands?
Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 568, 122105. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122105
Rosa R, Simas C, Ataíde R, Soares P, Tomé M, (2024)
Optimal forest management under climate change variability.
Ecological Economics, 225:108322. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108322
Al Pavel, M. A., Barreiro, S., Tomé, M. (2023)
The Importance of Using Permanent Plots Data to Fit the Self-Thinning Line: An Example for Maritime Pine Stands in Portugal
Forests, 14: 1354. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f14071354
Firmino, P. N., Tomé, M., Paulo, J. A. (2023)
Do Distance-Dependent Competition Indices Contribute to Improve Diameter and Total Height Tree Growth Prediction in Juvenile Cork Oak Plantations?
Forests 14(5), 1066. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f14051066
Jorge C., Tomé M., Ruiz-Peinado R., Zribi L., Paulo J.A. (2023)
Quercus suber allometry in the West Mediterranean basin
Forests, 14(3): 649. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f14030649.
Paulo J.A., Firmino P.N., Tomé M.A (2023)
A tree- and climate-dependent growth model to predict mature annual cork thickness under different climate change scenarios.
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01652-8.
Rua, J.C.P., Barreiro S., Reis A., Tomé M., Branco M. (2023)
A cost-benefit analysis for the management of Gonipterus platensis by comparing chemical and augmentative biological control
Forest Ecology and Management 548: 121333. . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121333
Cosenza D.N., Packalen P., Maltamo M., Varvia P., Räty J., Soares P., Tomé M., Strunk J.L., Korhonen L. (2022)
Effects of numbers of observations and predictors for various model types on the performance of forest inventory with airborne laser scanning
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(3): 385 – 395. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2021-0192.
Barreiro S., Benali A., Rua J.C.P., Tomé M., Santos J.L., Pereira J.M.C. (2021)
Combining landscape fire simulations with stand-level growth simulations to assist landowners in building wildfire-resilient landscapes
Forests, 12(11): 1498. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f12111498
Cosenza D. N., Packalen P., Maltamo M., Varvia P., Räty J., Soares P., Tomé M., Strunk J. L., Korhonen L. (2021)
Effects of numbers of observations and predictors for various model types on the performance of forest inventory with airborne laser scanning
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(3): 385. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2021-0192
Cosenza D.N., Korhonen L., Maltamo M., Packalen P., Strunk J.L., Naesset E., Gobakken T., Soares P., Tomé M. (2021)
Comparison of linear regression, k-nearest neighbour and random forest methods in airborne laser-scanning-based prediction of growing stock
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 94(2): 311–323. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpaa034
Cosenza D.N., Packalen P., Maltamo M., Varvia P., Räty J., Soares P., Tomé M., Strunk J.L., Korhonen L. (2021)
Effects of numbers of observations and predictors for various model types on the performance of forest inventory with airborne laser scanning
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(3): 385-395. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2021-0192
Palahí M., Valbuena R., Senf C. … Tomé M. et al. (2021)
Concerns about reported harvests in European forests
Nature, 592(7856): E15–E17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03292-x
Paulo J.A., Firmino P.N., Faias S.P., Tomé M. (2021)
Quantile regression for modelling the impact of climate in cork growth quantiles in Portugal
European Journal of Forest Research, 140: 991–1004. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-021-01379-8
Tomé M., Almeida M.H., Barreiro S., Branco M., Deus E., Pinto G., Sande Silva J., Soares P., Rodríguez-Soalleiro R., (2021)
Opportunities and challenges of Eucalyptus plantations in Europe – the Iberian Peninsula experience
Eur J Forest Res, 140:489-510. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-021-01358-z
Tomé M., Almeida M.H., Barreiro S., Branco M.R., Deus E., Pinto G., Silva J.S., Soares P., Rodríguez-Soalleiro R. (2021)
Opportunities and challenges of Eucalyptus plantations in Europe: the Iberian Peninsula experience
European Journal of Forest Research, 140: 489–510. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-021-01358-z
Cosenza D.N., Pereira L.G., Guerra-Hernández J., Pascual A., Soares P., Tomé M. (2020)
Impact of calibrating filtering algorithms on the quality of Lidar-derived DTM and on forest attribute estimation through area-based approach
Remote Sensing, 12(6): 918. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12060918
Crous-Duran J., Graves A.R., de Jalon S.G., Kay S., Tomé M., Burgess P.J., Giannitsopoulos M., Palma J.H.N. (2020)
Quantifying regulating ecosystem services with increased tree densities on European farmland
Sustainability, 12(16): 6676. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12166676
Faias S.P., Tomé M., Paulo J.A. (2020)
Inter-tree competition analysis in undebarked cork oak plantations as a support tool for management in Portugal
New Forests, 51(3): 489-505. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-019-09739-4
Rua J.C.P., Barreiro S., Branco M., Tomé M. (2020)
Estimating defoliation impact of Gonipterus platensis on Eucalyptus globulus stands productivity using a forest simulator based on 3-PG
Forest Ecology and Management, 478: 118495. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118495
Cosenza D.N., Soares P., Guerra-Hernández J., Pereira L., González-Ferreiro E., Castedo-Dorado F., Tomé M. (2019)
Comparing Johnson’s SB and weibull functions to model the diameter distribution of forest plantations through ALS data
Remote Sensing, 11(23): 2792.
Crous-Duran J., Graves A.R., Garcia-de-Jalón S., Paulo J.A., Tomé M., Palma J.H.N. (2019)
Assessing food sustainable intensification potential of agroforestry using a carbon balance method
iForest, 12: 85-91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor2578-011
Faias S.P., Paulo J.A., Firmino P.N., Tomé M. (2019)
Drivers for annual cork growth under two understory management alternatives on a podzolic cork oak stand
Forests, 10(2): 133.
Faias, S. P., Paulo, J. A., Tomé, M. (2019)
Competition pattern in Portuguese young cork oak plantations
New Forests 51 (3): 489-505. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-019-09739-4
Freire J.A., Rodrigues G.C., Tomé M. (2019)
Climate change impacts on Pinus pinea L. silvicultural system for cone production and ways to contour those impacts: a review complemented with data from permanent plots
Forests, 10(2): 169.
Marto M., Reynolds K.M., Borges J.G., Bushenkov V. A., Marques S., Marques M., Barreiro S., Botequim B., Tomé M. (2019)
Web-Based forest resources management decision support system
Forests, 10(12): 1079.
Pra A., Masiero M., Barreiro S., Tomé M., Martinez-De-Arano I., Orradre G., Onaindia A., Brotto L., Pettenella D. (2019)
Forest plantations in Southwestern Europe: a comparative trend analysis on investment returns, markets and policies
Forest Policy Economics, 109 (2): 102000.
Rua J., Barreiro S., Branco M., Tomé M., (2019)
Estimating defoliation impact of Gonipterus platensis on Eucalyptus globulus stands productivity using a forest simulator based on 3-PG
For. Ecol. Manag., 478, 118495. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118495
Correia A.C., Faias S.P., Ruiz-Peinado R., Chianucci F., Cutini A., Fontes L., Manetti M.C., Montero G., Soares P., Tomé M. (2018)
Generalized biomass equations for Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) across the Mediterranean basin
Forest Ecology and Management, 429: 425-436.
Correia A.H., Almeida M.H., Branco M., Tomé M., Cordero-Montoya R., Di Lucchio L., Cantero A., Diez Casero J., Recio C.P., Bravo F., Garzia Bengoetxea N., Arias Gonzaléz A., Jinks R., Paillassa E., Patrick P., Rozados Lorenzo M.J., Silva Pando F.J., Traver M.C., Zabalza S., Nóbrega C., Ferreira M.C., Orazio C. (2018)
Early survival and growth plasticity of 33 species planted in 38 Arboreta across the European Atlantic Area
Forests, 9(10): 630. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/f9100630
Cosenza D.N., Soares V.P., Leite H.G., Gleriani J.M., Amaral C.H., Gripp Júnior J., Silva A.A.L., Soares P., Tomé M. (2018)
Airborne laser scanning applied to eucalyptus stand inventory at individual tree level
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 53(12): 1373-1382.
Faias S.P., Paulo J.A., Palma J.H.N., Tomé M. (2018)
Understory effect on tree and cork growth in cork oak woodlands
Forest Systems, 27(1).
Guerra-Hernández J., Cozenza D.N., Rodriguez L.C.E., Silva M., Tomé M., Díaz-Varela R.A., González-Ferreiro E. (2018)
Comparison of ALS- and UAV (SfM)-derived high-density point clouds for individual tree detection in Eucalyptus plantations
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(15-16): 5211-5235. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2018.1486519
Palma J.H.N., Cardoso R.M., Soares P.M.M., Oliveira T.S., Tomé M. (2018)
Using high-resolution simulated climate projections on forest process based modelling
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263: 100-106.
Patricio M.S., Tomé M. (2018)
Allometric equations for predicting mineralomass in high-forest chestnut stands in Portugal
Acta Horticulturae, 1220: 125-132.
Rosa R., Soares P., Tomé M. (2018)
Evaluating the economic potential of uneven-aged maritime pine forests
Ecological Economics, 143: 210–217.
Sanqueta C.R., Dalla Corte A.P., Pelissari A.L., Tomé M., Maas G.C.B., Sanquetta M.N.I. (2018)
Dynamics of carbon and CO2 removals by Brazilian forest plantations during 1990–2016
Carbon Balance and Management, 13(1): 20.
Téo S.J., Machado S.A., Filho A.F., Tomé M. (2018)
Stem Taper Equation with extensive applicability to several age classes of Pinus taeda L
Floresta, 48(4): 471- 482.
Botequim B., Arias-Rodil M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Marques S., Borges J.G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M. (2017)
Modelling post-fire mortality in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal – A forest planning-oriented model
Sustainability, 9(3): 390.
den Herder M., Moreno G., Mosquera-Losada R., Palma J.H.N, Sidiropoulou A., Freijanes J.J.S., Crous-Duran J., Paulo J.A., Tomé M., Pantera A., Papanastasis V.P., Mantzanas K., Pachana P., Papadopoulos A., Plieninger T., Burgess P.J. (2017)
Current extent and stratification of agroforestry in the European Union
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 241: 121–132. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2017.03.005
Guerra-Hernández J., González-Ferreiro E., Monleón V. J., Faias S.P., Tomé M., Díaz-Varela R. A. (2017)
Use of Multi-Temporal UAV-Derived Imagery for estimating individual tree growth in Pinus pinea stands
Forests, 8(8): 300.
Oliveira T.S., Tomé M. (2017)
Improving biomass estimation for Eucalyptus globulus Labill at stand level in Portugal
Biomass and Bioenergy, 96(C):103-111.
Orazio C., Montoya R., Régolini M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Barreiro S., Botequim B., Marques S., Sedmák R., Smreček R., Brodrechtová Y., Brukas V., Chirici G., Marchetti M., Moshammer R., Biber P., Corrigan E., Eriksson L. O., Favero M., Galev E., Geerten E., Hengeveld M., Kavaliauskas M., Mozgeris G., Navrátil R., Nieuwenhuis M., Paligorov I., Pettenella D., Stanislovaitis A., Tomé M., Trubins R., Tuček J., Vizzarri M., Wallin I., Pretzsch H., Sallnäs O. (2017)
Decision support tools and strategies to simulate forest landscape evolutions integrating forest owner behavior: a review from the case studies of the European Project, INTEGRAL
Sustainability, 9(4): 599.
Paulo J.A., Pereira H., Tomé M. (2017)
Analysis of variables influencing tree cork caliper in two consecutive cork extractions using cork growth index modelling
Agroforestry Systems, 91(2): 221–237.
Paulo J.A., Tomé M. (2017)
Using the SUBER model for assessing the impact of cork debarking rotation on equivalent annual annuity in Portuguese stands
Forest Systems, 26(1): e008.
Paulo J.A., Tomé M. (2017)
Does debarking intensity in the first cork extraction affect future cork thickness?
Annals of Forest Science, 74: 66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-017-0662-x
Reyer C., Bathgate S., Blennow K., Borges J.G., Bugmann H., Delzon S., Faias S.P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Gardiner B., Gonzalez-Olabarria J.R., Gracia C., Guerra J., Kellomäki S., Kramer K., Lexer M.J., Lindner M., van der Maaten E., Maroschek M., Muys B., Nicoll B., Palahi M., Palma J.H.N., Paulo J.A., Peltola H., Pukkala T., Rammer W., Ray D., Sabaté S., Schelhaas M., Seidl R., Temperli C., Tomé M., Yousefpour R., Zimmermann N.E., Hanewinkel M. (2017)
Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests?
Environmental Research Letters, 12(3).
Barreiro S., Rua J., Tomé M. (2016)
StandsSIM-MD: a management driven forest SIMulator
Forest Systems, 25(2): eRC07.
Ferraz A., Saatchi S., Mallet C., Jacquemoud S., Gonçalves G., Silva C.A., Soares P., Tomé M., Pereira L. (2016)
Airborne Lidar estimation of aboveground forest biomass in the absence of field inventory
Remote Sensing, 8(8): 653.
Guerra-Hernández J., González-Ferreiro E., Sarmento A., Silva J., Nunes A., Correia A., Fontes L., Tomé M., Díaz-Varela R. (2016)
Using high resolution UAV imagery to estimate tree variables in Pinus pinea plantation in Portugal
Forest Systems, 25(2): eSC09.
Guerra-Hernández J., Görgens E., García Gutiérrez J., Rodriguez, L.C.E., Tomé M., González-Ferreiro E. (2016)
Comparison of ALS based models for estimating aboveground biomass in three types of Mediterranean forest
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 49: 185-204.
Guerra-Hernández J., Tomé M., Gonzalez-Ferreiro E. (2016)
Using low density LiDAR data to map Mediterranean forest characteristics by means of an area-based approach and height threshold analysis
Revista de Teledetección, 46: 103-117.
Nunes A., Pereira H., Tomé M., Silva J., Fontes L. (2016)
Tomography as a method to study umbrella pine (Pinus pinea) cones and nuts
Forest Systems, 25(2):eSC09.
Paulo J.A., Faias S.P., Ventura-Giroux C., Tomé M. (2016)
Estimation of stand crown cover using a generalized crown diameter model: application for the analysis of Portuguese cork oak stands stocking evolution
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 9: 437-444.
Ribeiro A., Carlos A., Filho A.C.F., Tomé M., Scolforo J.R.S. (2016)
Site quality curves for African mahogany plantations in Brazil
Cerne, 22(4): 439-448.
Río M., Pretzsch H., Alberdi I., Bielak K., Bravo F., Brunner A., Condés S., Ducey M.J., Fonseca T., von Lüpke N., Pach M., Peric S., Perot T., Souidi Z., Spathelf P., Sterba H., Tijardovic M., Tomé M., Vallet P., Bravo-Oviedo A. (2016)
Characterization of the structure, dynamics, and productivity of mixed-species stands: review and perspectives
European Journal of Forest Research, 135(1): 23–49.
Soares P., Pina J.P., Oliveira N., Tomé M. (2016)
The cultural landscape of Sintra, A UNESCO World Heritage Site – The balance between forest restoration and carbon stock
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 20: 358–364.
Biber P., Borges J.G., Moshammer R., Barreiro S., Botequim B., BrodrechtováY., Brukas V., Chirici G., Cordero-Debets R., Corrigan E., Ola Eriksson L., Favero M., Galev E., Garcia- Gonzalo J., Hengeveld G., Kavaliauskas M., Marchetti M., Marques S., Mozgeris G., Navrátil R., Nieuwenhuis M., Orazio C., Paligorov I., Pettenella D., Sedmák R., Smrecek R., Stanislovaitis A., Tomé M., Trubins R., Tucek J., Vizzarri M., Wallin I., Pretzsc H., Sallnäs O. (2015)
How sensitive are ecosystem services in european forest landscapes to silvicultural treatment?
Forests, 6(5):1666-1695.
Botequim B., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Silva A., Marques S., Fernandes P.M., Pereira J.M.C., Tomé M. (2015)
A model of shrub biomass accumulation as a tool to support management of Portuguese forests
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8:114-125.
Bouriaud L., Marzano M., Lexer M., Nichiforel L., Reyer C., Temperli C., Peltola H., Elkin C., Duduman G., Taylor P., Bathgate S., Borges J.G., Clerkx S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Gracia C., Hengeveld G., Kellomaki S., Kostov G., Maroschek M., Muys B., Nabuurs G.J., Nicoll B., Palahi M., Rammer W., Ray D., Schelhaas M.J., Sing L., Tomé M., Zell J., Hanewinkel M. (2015)
Institutional factors and opportunities for adapting European forest management to climate change
Regional Environmental Change, 15(8): 1595-1609.
Ferraz A., Mallet C., Jacquemoud S., Gonçalves G.R., Tomé M., Soares P., Pereira L.G., Bretar F. (2015)
Canopy density model: a new ALS-derived product to generate multi layer crown cover maps
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(12): 6776-6790.
Palma J.H.N., Paulo J.A., Faias S.P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Tomé M. (2015)
Adaptive management and debarking schedule optimization of Quercus suber L. stands, under climate change. Case study in Chamusca, Portugal
Regional Environmental Change, 15:(8): 1569-1580.
Paulo J.A., Faias S., Gomes A.A., Palma J.H.N., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2015)
Predicting site index from climate and soil variables for cork oak (Quercus suber L.) stands in Portugal
New Forests, 46(2):293-307.
Nabuurs G.J., Schelhaas M.J., Orazio C., Hengeveld G., Tomé M., Farrell E.P. (2014)
European perspective on the development of planted forests, including projections to 2065
New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 44(1):S8.
Palma J.H.N., Paulo J.A., Tomé M. (2014)
Carbon sequestration of modern Quercus suber L. silvoarable agroforestry systems in Portugal: a YieldSAFE-based estimation
Agroforestry Systems, 88(5): 791-801.
Alegria C., Tomé M. (2013)
A tree distance-dependent growth and yield model for naturally regenerated pure uneven-aged maritime pine stands in central inland of Portugal
Annals of Forest Science, 70(3): 261-276.
Botequim B., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Ricardo A., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M., (2013)
Developing wildfire risk probability models for Eucalyptus globulus stands in Portugal
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 6: 217-227.
Garcia-Gonzalo J., Palma J.H.N., Freire J., Tomé M., Mateus R., Rodríguez L. C., Bushenkov V., Borges J. G. (2013)
A decision support system for a multi stakeholder’s decision process in a Portuguese national forest
Foresty Systems, 22(2): 359-373.
Minunno F., van Oijen M., Cameron D.R., Cerasoli S., Pereira J.S., Tomé M. (2013)
Using a Bayesian framework and global sensitivity analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses of two process-based models differing in representation of autotrophic respiration
Environmental Modelling & Software, 42: 99-115.
Sghaier T., Tomé M., Tomé J., Sanchez-Gonzalez M. (2013)
Distance-independent individual tree diameter-increment model for thuya [Tetraclinis articulata (VAHL.) MAST.] stands in Tunisia
Forest Systems, 22(3): 433-441.
Vega-Nieva D., Tomé M., Tomé J., Fontes L., Soares P., Ortiz L., Basurco F., Rodríguez-Soalleiro R. (2013)
Developing a general method for the estimation of the fertility rating parameter of the 3-PG model: application in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in NW Spain
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43(7): 627-636.
Ayari A., Zubizarreta-Gerendian A., Tomé M., Tomé J., Garchi S., Henchi B. (2012)
Stand, tree and crown variables affecting cone crop and seed yield of Aleppo pine forests in different bioclimatic regions of Tunisia
Forest Systems, 21(1): 128-140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2112211-11463
Barreiro S., Tomé M. (2012)
Analysis of the impact of the use of eucalyptus biomass for energy on wood availability for eucalyptus forest in Portugal. A simulation study
Ecology and Society, 17(2): 14.
Blennow K., Persson J., Tomé M.,Hanewinkel M. (2012)
Climate change: believing and seeing implies adapting
PLoS ONE,7(11): e50182.
Coelho M.B., Paulo J.A., Palma J.H.N., Tomé M. (2012)
Contribution of cork oak plantations installed after 1990 in Portugal to the Kyoto commitments and to the landowners economy
Forest Policy and Economics, 17: 59-68.
Faias S.P., Palma J.H.N., Barreiro S., Paulo J.A., Tomé M. (2012)
sIMfLOR – Platform for the Portuguese forest simulators
Forest Systems, 21 (3): 543-548.
Ferraz A., Bretar F., Jacquemoud S., Gonçalves G., Pereira L., Tomé M., Soares P. (2012)
3-D mapping of a multi-layered Mediterranean forest using ALS data
Remote Sensing of Environment, 121: 210-223. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2012.01.020
Garcia-Gonzalo J., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Ricardo A., Marques S., Botequim B., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M., Pereira J.M.C. (2012)
Modelling wildfire risk in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal
Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung (AFJZ) – German Journal of Forest Research, 183 (11/12): 238-248.
Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Ricardo A., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Oliveira M.M. (2012)
Assessing wildfire risk probability in Pinus pinaster Ait. stands in Portugal
Forest Systems, 21(1): 111-120.
Reis A.R., Araújo C., Ferreira L., Tomé M., Branco M. (2012)
Efficiency of biological control of Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by Anaphes nitens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in cold areas of the Iberian Peninsula: implications for defoliation and wood production in Eucalyptus globulus.
Forest Ecology and Management, 270: 216-222.
Soares P., Tomé M. (2012)
Biomass expansion factors for Eucalyptus globulus stands in Portugal
Forest Systems, 21(1): 141-152.
Alegria C., Tomé M. (2011)
A set of models for individual tree merchantable volume prediction for Pinus pinaster Aiton in central inland of Portugal
European Journal of Forest Research, 130(5): 871-879.
Barreiro S., Tomé M. (2011)
SIMPLOT: Simulating the impacts of fire severity on sustainability of eucalyptus forests in Portugal
Ecological Indicators, 11(1): 36-45.
Calama R., Mutke S., Tomé J., Gordo J., Montero G., Tomé M. (2011)
Modelling spatial and temporal variability in a zero-inflated variable: the case of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) cone production
Ecological Modelling, 222(3): 606-618.
Garcia-Gonzalo J., Marques S., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
A three-step approach to post-fire mortality modelling in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands for enhanced forest planning in Portugal
Forestry, 84(2): 197-206.
Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Botequim B., Oliveira M.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
Developing post-fire Eucalyptus globulus stand damage and tree mortality models for enhanced forest planning in Portugal
Silva Fennica, 45(1): 69-83.
Mateus A., Tomé M. (2011)
Modelling the diameter distribution of eucalyptus plantations with Johnson’s S-B probability density function: parameters recovery from a compatible system of equations to predict stand variables
Annals of Forest Science, 68(2): 325-335.
Nunes L., Patrício M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
Modeling dominant height growth of maritime pine in Portugal using GADA methodology with parameters depending on soil and climate variables
Annals of Forest Science, 68(2): 311-323.
Nunes L., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
Prediction of annual tree growth and survival for thinned and unthinned even-aged maritime pine stands in Portugal from data with different time measurement intervals
Forest Ecology Management, 262(8): 1491-1499.
Paulo J.A., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2011)
Nonlinear fixed and random generalized height-diameter models for Portuguese cork oak stands
Annals of Forest Science, 68(2): 295-309.
Almeida A.M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2010)
Development of a system to predict the evolution of individual tree mature cork caliber over time
Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 1303-1314.
Almeida A.M., Tomé M. (2010)
Field sampling of cork value before extraction in Portuguese ‘montados’
Agroforestry Systems, 79 (3): 419-430.
Bugmann H., Palahi M., Bontemps J.-D., Tomé M. (2010)
Trends in modeling to address forest management and environmental challenges in Europe
Forest Systems, 19(SI): 3-7.
Calama R., Tomé M., Sánchez-González M., Miina J., Spanos K., Palahi M. (2010)
Modelling Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe: a review
Forest Systems, 19(SI): 69-85.
Carrasquinho I., Freire J., Rodrigues A., Tomé M. (2010)
Selection of Pinus pinea L. candidates to plus trees for cone production
Annals of Forest Science, 67(8): 814. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/forest/2010050
Correia A.C., Pacheco C.A., Tomé M., Faias S., Dias A.C., Freire J., Carvalho P.O., Pereira J.S. (2010)
Biomass allometry and carbon factors for a Mediterranean pine (Pinus pinea L.)
Forest Systems, 19(3): 418-433. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2010193-9082
Crecente-Campo F., Soares P., Tomé M., Diéguez-Aranda. (2010)
Modelling annual individual-tree growth and mortality of Scots pine with data obtained at irregular measurement intervals and containing missing observations
Forest Ecology and Management, 260(11): 1965-1974. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2010.08.044
Crecente-Campo F., Tomé M., Soares P., Diéguez-Aranda U. (2010)
A generalized nonlinear mixed-effects height–diameter model for Eucalyptus globulus L. in northwestern Spain
Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 943-952. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2009.11.036
Nunes L., Patrício M., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2010)
Carbon and nutrients stocks in even-aged maritime pine stands from Portugal
Forest Systems, 19(3): 434-448.
Nunes L., Tomé J., Tomé M. (2010)
A system for compatible prediction of total and merchantable volumes allowing for different definitions of tree volume
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(4): 747-760.
Paulo J.A., Tomé M. (2010)
Predicting mature cork biomass with t years of growth from one measurement taken at any other age
Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 1993-2005.
Tomé M., Farrell T. (2009)
Special issue on selected results of the FORSEE Project Foreword
Annals of Forest Science, 66(3): 300.
Bravo-Oviedo A., Tomé M., Bravo F., Montero G., Del Rio M. (2008)
Dominant height growth equations including site attributes in the generalized algebraic difference approach
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38: 2348-2358.
António N., Tomé M., Soares P., Tomé J., Fontes L. (2007)
Effect of tree, stand, and site variables on the allometry of Eucalyptus globulus tree biomass
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37(5): 895-902.
Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe, Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products
Vacik H., Hale M., Spiecker H., Pettenella D., Tomé M. (2020)
Outcomes of the COST Action FP1203 on European NWFPs, BoD, Norderstedt,416p.. ISBN: 978-3-7494-7546-9
Estudo prospetivo para o setor florestal
Caldeira B., Praxedes J., Santos P.M., Brígido S., Paulo J.A., Palma J.H.N., Pina J.P., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G.C., Tomé M., Soares P., Barreiro S., Mendes A.M.S.C., Sottomayor M. (2013)
Associação para a Competitividade da Indústria da Fileira Floresta, 295 p.. URL: http://www.aiff.pt/assets/ESTUDO_Prospetivo_-Sector-Florestal.pdf
Modeling forest trees and stands
Burkhart H., Tomé M. (2012)
Springer, XIV, p. 476. ISBN: 978-94-007-1597-4 URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-3170-9
Book Chapters
Sandim A., Silva M. E., Gonçalves A.C., Tomé M., Fonseca T.F. (2022)
Management of Pinus pinaster Aiton for wood and resin production: a technical-financial feasibility analysis..
In: Conifers. Ana Cristina Gonçalves and Teresa Fonseca (Eds.). IntechOpen, pp. 49 . ISBN: 978-1-83969-777-7. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.104855
Tomé M., Borges J.G. (2022)
Covid-19, uma oportunidade para mudarmos de atitude para com a natureza?
In: A Floresta e o Fogo nos tempos da Pandemia. ForestWise (Ed.), CoLab ForestWise. . ISBN: 978-989-33-3511-6.
Tomé, M., Cañellas, I., Bonet, J. A., Paulo, J. A., Palma, J. H. N., Martínez de Aragón, J., Miina, J., Sheppard, J., Kurttila, M., Sanchés-Gonzalez, M., Pasalodos, M., de-Miguel, Sergio. (2019)
Resource and management – Novel management concepts to boost product diversity and secure higher product flows
In: Wolfslehner, B., Prokofieva, I. and Mavsar, R. (editors). Non-wood forest products in Europe: Seeing the forest around the trees. What Science Can Tell Us 10. European Forest Institute. pp 114. . URL: https://efi.int/sites/default/files/files/publication-bank/2019/efi_wsctu_10_2019.pdf
Tomé, M., Sheppard, J., Alma, M. H., Carrasquinho, I., Christensen, C. J., Hellström, J., Kurttila, M., Marnila, P., Mattila, P., Miina, J., Mutke, S., Paulo, J. A., Palma, J. H., Pihlava, J., Pignatti, G., Sanchéz-González, M., Silva, C. S., Soares, P., Vanhanen, H. (2019)
Non-wood tree products in Europe.
In: Harald Vacik, Mike Hale, Heinrich Spiecker, Davide Pettenella & Margarida Tomé (Eds.) 2020: Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe, Ecology and management of mushrooms, tree products, understory plants and animal products, Outcomes of the COST Action FP1203 on European NWFPs, BoD, Norderstedt, 416p.. ISBN: 978-3-7494-7546-9
Barreiro S., Tomé M. (2017)
Projection systems in Europe and North America: concepts and approaches
In: Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability. Barreiro S., Schelhaas M.J., McRoberts R.E., Kaendler G. (Eds.). Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 29, pp.25-45, Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-319-56199-8
Barreiro S., Tomé M. (2017)
In: Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability. Barreiro S., Schelhaas M.-J., McRoberts R.E., Kaendler G.(Eds.). Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 29, pp.259-272. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-319-56199-8
Cañellas I., Sánchez-González M., Bogino S.M., Adame P., Moreno-Fernández D., Herrero C., Roig S., Tomé M., Paulo J.A., Bravo F. (2017)
Carbon sequestration in Mediterranean oak forests
In: Managing Forest Ecosystems: the Challenge of Climate Change. Bravo F., LeMay V., Jandl R. (Eds.). Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 34, Part V, pp. 403-427. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-319-28248-0
Tomé M., Barreiro S., Uva J.S. (2016)
In: National Forest Inventories: Assessment of Wood Availability and Use. Vidal C., Alberdi I., Hernández L., Redmond J. (Eds.), Springer, pp.637-654. ISBN: 978-3-319-44015-6 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-44015-6_34
Oliveira M.M., Natário I., Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Pereira J.M., Tomé J., Demétrio C. (2013)
Aplicações estatísticas em análise de catástrofes naturais. O caso da ocorrência e impacte dos incêndios florestais sobre a floresta em Portugal
In: Matemática do Planeta Terra. F.P. Costa, J.T. Pinto, J. Buescu (Eds.). ISTPress, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, pp. 235-261. ISBN: 978-989-8481-26-9 URL: http://istpress.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/node/380
Pereira J.S., Tomé M. (2009)
Mitigação das emissões de CO2 fóssil pelas florestas
In: A energia da razão. Por uma sociedade com menos CO2. Ramôa Ribeiro F. (Eds.). Gradiva, Lisboa, pp. 269-285. ISBN: 978-989-616-321-1 URL: https://www.gradiva.pt/catalogo/14700/a-energia-da-razao-
Cañellas I., Sánchez-González M., Bogino S.M., Adame P., Herrero C., Roig S., Tomé M., Paulo J. A., Bravo F. (2008)
Silviculture and carbon sequestration in mediterranean Oak forests
In: Managing forest ecosystems: the challenge of climate change. F. Bravo et al. (Eds.). Springer – Managing Forest Ecosystems, Series 17, pp. 317-338. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8343-3 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8343-3_18
Rennolls K., Tomé M., McRoberts R.E., Vanclay J.K., LeMay V., Guan B.T., Gertner G.Z. (2007)
Potential contributions of statistics and modelling to sustainable forest management: review and synthesis
In: Sustainable forestry: from monitoring and modelling to knowledge management and policy science. Reynolds K. M., Thomson A., Shannon M., Köhl M., Duncan R., Rennols K. (Eds.)., CAB International, Wallingford UK/Cambridge MA, pp. 314-341. ISBN: 9781845931742
Soares P., Tomé M., Pereira J.S. (2007)
A produtividade do eucaliptal
In: O eucaliptal em Portugal: impactes ambientais e investigação científica. A.M.Alves, J.S. Pereira, J.M.N Silva (Eds.). ISA Press, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa, pp. 27-59. ISBN: 978-972-8669-25-6
Pereira, H., Tomé, M. (2004)
Cork oak and cork
In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. J. Burley, J. Evans, J.A. Youngquist Eds. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 613-620.
Matas Litorais
Defesa da Floresta contra Incêndios e Agentes Bióticos – Matas Litorais
Duration: 2019-2019
CEF Budget: 27750.00 €
Forest Flux
Serviço de Mapeamento do Fluxo e Armazenamento de Carbono Florestal
Duration: 2018-2021
CEF Budget: 152.569 €
Plataforma gratuita e open-source para a modelação do risco de vento e crescimento em florestas de pinheiros
Duration: 2018-2021
CEF Budget: 4518.40 €
Nutrição e fertilização do pinheiro manso em sequeiro e regadio
Duration: 2017-2021
CEF Budget: 80.994 €
Redes de Inovação de Cortiça, Resinas e Comestíveis da bacia Mediterrânica
Duration: 2017-2020
CEF Budget: 158.063 €
Estudo e modelação da interação de sobreiros com a vegetação circundante
Duration: 2016-2019
CEF Budget: 156.000 €