Scientific Articles (ISI)

Gordon S.N, Flori A., Boerboom L., LÀmÄs T., Eriksson L.O., Nieuwenhuis M., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Rodriguez L.C. (2013)

Studying the use of forest management decision support systems: an initial synthesis of lessons learned from case studies compiled using a semantic wiki

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 29(1): 44-55.

Marques A.F., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Lucas B., Melo I. (2013)

A participatory approach to design a toolbox to support forest management planning at regional level

Forest Systems, 22(2): 340-358.

Minunno F., van Oijen M., Cameron D.R., Cerasoli S., Pereira J.S., Tomé M. (2013)

Using a Bayesian framework and global sensitivity analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses of two process-based models differing in representation of autotrophic respiration

Environmental Modelling & Software, 42: 99-115.

Pasalodos-Tato M., Makinen A., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., LĂ€mas T., Eriksson L.O. (2013)

Assessing uncertainty and risk in forest planning and decision support systems: review of classical methods and introduction of new approaches

Forest Systems, 22(2): 282-303.

Rammer W., Schauflinger C., Vacik H., Palma J.H.N., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Borges J.G., Lexer M.J. (2013)

A web-based ToolBox approach to support adaptive forest management under climate change

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 29(1): 96-107.

Sghaier T., Tomé M., Tomé J., Sanchez-Gonzalez M. (2013)

Distance-independent individual tree diameter-increment model for thuya [Tetraclinis articulata (VAHL.) MAST.] stands in Tunisia

Forest Systems, 22(3): 433-441.

Vega-Nieva D., Tomé M., Tomé J., Fontes L., Soares P., Ortiz L., Basurco F., Rodríguez-Soalleiro R. (2013)

Developing a general method for the estimation of the fertility rating parameter of the 3-PG model: application in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in NW Spain

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43(7): 627-636.

Ayari A., Zubizarreta-Gerendian A., Tomé M., Tomé J., Garchi S., Henchi B. (2012)

Stand, tree and crown variables affecting cone crop and seed yield of Aleppo pine forests in different bioclimatic regions of Tunisia

Forest Systems, 21(1): 128-140. DOI:

Barreiro S., Tomé M. (2012)

Analysis of the impact of the use of eucalyptus biomass for energy on wood availability for eucalyptus forest in Portugal. A simulation study

Ecology and Society, 17(2): 14.

Blennow K., Persson J., Tomé M.,Hanewinkel M. (2012)

Climate change: believing and seeing implies adapting

PLoS ONE,7(11): e50182.

Coelho M.B., Paulo J.A., Palma J.H.N., Tomé M. (2012)

Contribution of cork oak plantations installed after 1990 in Portugal to the Kyoto commitments and to the landowners economy

Forest Policy and Economics, 17: 59-68.

Duncker P., Barreiro S., Hengeveld G.M.,Lind T., Mason W.L., Ambrozy S., Spiecker H. (2012)

Classification of forest management approaches: a new conceptual framework and its applicability to European forestry

Ecology and Society,17(4): 51. DOI:

Dunger K., Petersson H., Barreiro S.,Cienciala E., Colin A., Hylen G., Kusar G., Oehmichen K., Tomppo E.,Tuomainen T. (2012)

Harmonizing greenhouse gas reporting from European forests: Case examples and implications for European Union level reporting

Forest Science, 58(3): 248-256. DOI:

Faias S.P., Palma J.H.N., Barreiro S., Paulo J.A., Tomé M. (2012)

sIMfLOR – Platform for the Portuguese forest simulators

Forest Systems, 21 (3): 543-548.

Ferraz A., Bretar F., Jacquemoud S., Gonçalves G., Pereira L., Tomé M., Soares P. (2012)

3-D mapping of a multi-layered Mediterranean forest using ALS data

Remote Sensing of Environment, 121: 210-223. DOI:

Ferreira L., Constantino M., Borges J.G., Garcia-Gonzalo J. (2012)

A stochastic dynamic programming approach to optimize short-rotation coppice systems management scheduling. An application to eucalypt plantations under wildfire risk in Portugal

Forest Science, 58(4): 353-365.

Garcia-Gonzalo J., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A., Ricardo A., Marques S., Botequim B., Borges J. G., Oliveira M.M., Tomé M., Pereira J.M.C. (2012)

Modelling wildfire risk in pure and mixed forest stands in Portugal

Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung (AFJZ) – German Journal of Forest Research, 183 (11/12): 238-248.

MÀkelÀ A., del Río M.,Hynynen J., Hawkins M.J., Reyer C., Soares P., van Oijen M., ToméM. (2012)

Using stand-scale forest models for estimating indicators of sustainable forest management

Forest Ecology and Management, 285: 164-178.

Marques S., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Botequim B., Ricardo A., Borges J.G., Tomé M., Oliveira M.M. (2012)

Assessing wildfire risk probability in Pinus pinaster Ait. stands in Portugal

Forest Systems, 21(1): 111-120.

Pimentel C., Santos M., Ferreira C., Nilsson J.-Å. (2012)

Temperature, size, reproductive allocation, and life-history evolution in a gregarious caterpillar

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 105: 340-349.