Scientific Articles (ISI)

Guillemain M., Poisbleau M., Denonfoux L., Lepley M., Moreau C., Massez G., Leray G., Caizergues A., Arzel C., Rodrigues D., Fritz H.

Multiple tests of the effect of nasal saddles on dabbling ducks: combining field and aviary approaches.

Bird Study, 54: 35-45

Hector A., Joshi J., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schmid B., Spehn E.M., Wacker L., Bazeley-White E., Beierkuhnlein C., Caldeira M.C., Dimitrakopoulos P., Siaman G., Finn J.A., Huss-Danell K., Jumpponen A., Leadley P.W., Loreau M., Mulder C.P.H., Nebhover C., Palmborg C., Read D.J., Siamantziouras A-S. D., Terry A.C., Troumbis A.Y.

Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: reconciling the results of experimental and observational studies

Functional Ecology, 21 (5): 998-1002

Jarvis P., Rey A., Petsikos C., Wingate L., Rayment M., Pereira J.S., Banza J., David J.S., Miglietta F., Borghetti M., Manca G., Valentini R.

Drying and wetting of Mediterranean soils stimulates decomposition and carbon dioxide emission: the “Birch effect”

Tree Physiology, 27 (7): 929-940

Knapic S., Louzada J.L., Leal S., Pereira H.

Radial variation of wood density components and ring width in cork oak trees

Annals of Forest Science, 64(2): 211-218

Leal S., Sousa V.B., Pereira, H.

Radial variation of vessel size and distribution in cork oak wood (Quercus suber L.)

Wood Science and Technology, 41(4): 339-350

Li Y., Dutkowski G.W., Apiolaza L.A., Pilbeam D.J., Costa-e-Silva J.,Potts B.M.

The genetic architecture of a Eucalyptus globulus full-sib breeding population in Australia

Forest Genetics, 12: 167-179

Martins H., Borges J.G.

Addressing collaborative planning methods and tools in forest management

Forest Ecology and Management, 248: 107-118

Mcguire M.A., Cerasoli S., Teskey R.O.

CO2 fluxes and respiration of branch segments (Platanus occidentalis L.) examined at different velocities, branch diameters, and temperatures

Journal of Experimental Botany, 58: 2159-2168

Miranda I., Gominho J., Lourenço A., Pereira H.

Heartwood, extractives and pulp yield of three Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in two sites

Appita Journal, 60(6): 485-500

Morais M.C., Pereira H.

Heartwood and sapwood variation in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. trees at the end of rotation for pulpwood production

Annals of Forest Science, 64: 665-671

Otieno D., Schmidt M.W.T., Kurz-Besson C., Lobo-do-Vale R., Pereira J.S., Tenhunen J.

Regulation of transpirational water loss in Quercus suber trees in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem

Tree Physiology, 27: 1179-1187

Pereira J.S., Mateus J.A., Aires L.M., Pita G., Pio C., David J.S., Andrade V., Banza J., David T.S., Paço T.A., Rodrigues A.M.

Net ecosystem carbon exchange in three contrasting Mediterranean ecosystems – the effect of drought

Biogeosciences, 4(5): 791-802

Pimentel C., Nilsson J-Å,

Breeding patterns of great tits (Parus major) in pine forests along the Portuguese west coast

Journal of Ornithology, 148: 59-68

Pimentel C., Nilsson J-Å.,

Response of great tits Parus major to an irruption of a pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa population with a shifted life cycle

Ardea, 95: 191-199

Pires J.M.C., Pereira H., San-Romao M.V.

Study of humidity and water activity of cork slabs during cork stopper manufacturing process – Preliminary results

Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 22(1): 15-20

Reyjol Y., Hugueny B., Pont D., Bianco P.G., Beier U., Caiola N., Casals F., Cowx I., Economou A., Ferreira M.T., Haidvogl G., Noble R., Sostoa A., Vigneron T., Virbickas T.

Patterns in species richness and endemism of European freshwater fish.

Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16: 65-75

Sá A.C.L., Pereira J.M.C., Gardner R.H.

Analysis of the relationship between spatial pattern and spectral detectability of areas burned in southern Africa using satellite data

International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(16): 3583-3601

Santos H., Rousselet J., Magnoux E., Paiva M.R., Branco M., Kerdelhue C.

Genetic isolation through time: allochronic differentiation of a phenologically atypical population of the pine processionary moth.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274 (1612): 935-941

Santos S., Schreiber L., Graça J.

Cuticular waxes from ivy leaves (Hedera helix L.): analysis of high-molecular weight esters

Phytochemical Analysis, 18: 60-69

Santos T.P., Lopes C.M., Rodrigues M.L., Souza C.R., Ricardo-da-Silva J.M., Maroco J.P., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M.

Effects of deficit irrigation strategies on cluster microclimate for improving fruit composition of Moscatel field-grown grapevines

Scientia Horticulturae, 112: 321-330