Scientific Articles (ISI)

Schultz M.G., Heil A., Hoelzemann J.J., Spessa A., Thonicke K., Goldammer J.G., Held A.C., Pereira J.M.C., van het Bolscher M.

Global wildland fire emissions from 1960 to 2000

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22(2) – GB2002

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H.

Effect of xylanases on peroxide bleachability of eucalypt (E. globulus) kraft pulp

Biochemical Engineering Journal, 40(1): 19-26

Shatalov A.A., Pereira H.

Arundo donax L. reed: New perspectives for pulping and bleaching – 5. Ozone-based TCF bleaching of organosolv pulps

Bioresource Technology, 99(3): 472-478

Shvaleva A., Silva F.C., Scotti P., Ufir M.O., Hausman J.F., Cedric G., Ramos P., Almeida M.H., Rodrigues M.L., Pereira J.S., Chaves M.M.

Physiological and biochemical responses to low non-freezing temperature of two Eucalyptus globulus clones differing in drought resistance

Annals of Forest Science, 65(2)

Vazquez-Pique J., Pereira H.

What to take in account to develop cork weight models?: review and statistical considerations

Investigacion Agraria-Sistemas y Recursos Forestales, 17(3): 199-215

Volker P.W., Potts B.M., Borralho N.M.G.

Genetic parameters of intra- and inter-specific hybrids of Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens.

Tree Genetics & Genomes, 4(3): 445-460

Wingate L., Seibt U., Maseyk K., Ogee J., Almeida J.P., Yakir D., Pereira J.S., Mencuccini M.

Evaporation and carbonic anhydrase activity recorded in oxygen isotope signatures of net CO2 fluxes from a Mediterranean soil

Global Change Biology, 14: 2178-2193

Zada A., Dunkelblum E., Assael F., Franco J.C., Silva E.B., Protasov A., Mendel Z.

Attraction of Planococcus ficus males to racemic and chiral pheromone baits: flight activity and bait longevity.

Journal of Applied Entomology, 132 (6): 480-489

Abrantes S., Amaral E., Costa A.P., Shatalov A.A., Duarte A.P.

Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of Arundo donax L. kraft-anthraquinone pulp – Effect of a chelating stage

Industrial Crops and Products, 25(3): 288-293

Abrantes S., Amaral E., Costa A.P., Shatalov A.A., Duarte A.P.

Evaluation of giant reed as a raw-material for paper production

Appita Journal, 60(5): 410-415

Aguiar F.C., Ferreira M.T., Albuquerque A., Moreira I.

Alien and endemic flora on reference and non-reference sites from Mediterranean type-streams of Portugal.

Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 17: 335-347

Alagador D., Cerdeira J.O.

Designing spatially-explicit reserve networks in the presence of mandatory sites

Biological Conservation, 137: 254-262

Álvarez-Godoy E., Rodrigues J., Alves A., Álvarez-Lazo D.

Estudio del contenido y la calidad de la lignina mediante pirólisis analítica en madera de Pinus caribaea. Maderas

Ciencia y Tecnologia, 9(2): 179-188

Alves A., Santos A., Silva-Perez D, Rodrigues J.C., Pereira H., Simões R., Schwanninger M.

NIR PLSR model selection for Kappa number prediction of maritime pine kraft pulps

Wood Science and Technology, 41(6): 491-499

António N., Tomé M., Soares P., Tomé J., Fontes L.

Effect of tree, stand, and site variables on the allometry of Eucalyptus globulus tree biomass

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37(5): 895-902

Barcia P., Bugalho M., Campagnolo M.L., Cerdeira J.O.

Using n-alkanes to estimate diet composition of herbivores: a novel mathematical approach

Animal, 1: 141-149

Bucci G., González-Martínez S. C., Christophe P., Ribeiro M.M., Sebastiani F., Alía, R. Vendramin G.G.

Range-wide phylogeography and gene zones in Pinus pinaster Ait. revealed by chloroplast microsatellite markers

Molecular Ecology,16: 2137-2153

Carneiro M., Fabião A., Martins M.C., Cerveira C., Santos C., Nogueira C., Lousã M., Hilário L., Fabião A., Abrantes M., Madeira M.

Species richness and biomass of understory vegetation in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. coppice as affected by slash management.

European Journal of Forest Research, 126: 475-480

Chaves M.M., Santos T.P., Souza C.R., Ortuno M.F., Rodrigues M.L, Lopes C.M., Maroco J.P., Pereira J.S.

Deficit irrigation in grapevine improves water-use efficiency while controlling vigour and production quality

Annals of Applied Biology, 150: 237-252

Costa A., Pereira H.

Influence of vision systems, black and white, colored and visual digitalization, in natural cork stopper quality estimation

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87: 2222-2228