Global wildland fire emissions from 1960 to 2000
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22(2) – GB2002
Effect of xylanases on peroxide bleachability of eucalypt (E. globulus) kraft pulp
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 40(1): 19-26
Arundo donax L. reed: New perspectives for pulping and bleaching – 5. Ozone-based TCF bleaching of organosolv pulps
Bioresource Technology, 99(3): 472-478
Physiological and biochemical responses to low non-freezing temperature of two Eucalyptus globulus clones differing in drought resistance
Annals of Forest Science, 65(2)
What to take in account to develop cork weight models?: review and statistical considerations
Investigacion Agraria-Sistemas y Recursos Forestales, 17(3): 199-215
Genetic parameters of intra- and inter-specific hybrids of Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens.
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 4(3): 445-460
Evaporation and carbonic anhydrase activity recorded in oxygen isotope signatures of net CO2 fluxes from a Mediterranean soil
Global Change Biology, 14: 2178-2193
Attraction of Planococcus ficus males to racemic and chiral pheromone baits: flight activity and bait longevity.
Journal of Applied Entomology, 132 (6): 480-489
Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of Arundo donax L. kraft-anthraquinone pulp – Effect of a chelating stage
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Evaluation of giant reed as a raw-material for paper production
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Alien and endemic flora on reference and non-reference sites from Mediterranean type-streams of Portugal.
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Designing spatially-explicit reserve networks in the presence of mandatory sites
Biological Conservation, 137: 254-262
Estudio del contenido y la calidad de la lignina mediante pirólisis analítica en madera de Pinus caribaea. Maderas
Ciencia y Tecnologia, 9(2): 179-188
NIR PLSR model selection for Kappa number prediction of maritime pine kraft pulps
Wood Science and Technology, 41(6): 491-499
Effect of tree, stand, and site variables on the allometry of Eucalyptus globulus tree biomass
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37(5): 895-902
Using n-alkanes to estimate diet composition of herbivores: a novel mathematical approach
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Range-wide phylogeography and gene zones in Pinus pinaster Ait. revealed by chloroplast microsatellite markers
Molecular Ecology,16: 2137-2153
Species richness and biomass of understory vegetation in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. coppice as affected by slash management.
European Journal of Forest Research, 126: 475-480
Deficit irrigation in grapevine improves water-use efficiency while controlling vigour and production quality
Annals of Applied Biology, 150: 237-252
Influence of vision systems, black and white, colored and visual digitalization, in natural cork stopper quality estimation
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87: 2222-2228