The ForChange group of the Forest Research Centre (CEF), a research unit of the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa), launched the simflor.online web platform already accessible on the Internet with a new StandsSIM’s Web App version fully integrated in the platform’s technological environment.
simflor.online is a platform developed for the management and digital access to forest tools on the Internet. This application provides access, through the most modern Web technologies, to non-web scientific computer programs (scientific or technical) useful to society and promotes the digitalization of utilities, tools and simulators in the areas of Forest Engineering.
simflor.online also acts as a portal for the computational tools developed over the last few years or web tools that eventually will be developed and made available in other technological environments. It also allows the management of users, their profiles (including professor and student profiles), classes (university/training), among other.
simflor.online as a programming platform already allowed to develop and make available the Web App version of StandsSIM, launched to support Forest Models and Simulators to Assist Forest Management course in 2024/2025 curricular year.

StandsSIM is a forest tree/stand growth simulator, applied to stand, management unit, region or country scales, which has been developed within the scope of the ForChange research group’s from the Forest Research Centre, integrating growth models developed for the main species in the Portuguese forest sector.
The Web App version of StandsSIM’s forest growth simulator originally developed with StandsSIM.md[v2] (the development line driven by forest management) already integrates some growth models and interactions allowing to project the growth of new or existing stands (even- or uneven-aged structures) in Portugal using a suite of species-specific growth models: GLOBULUS, GYMMA (Eucalyptus globulus); PINASTER and PBIRROL (Pinus pinaster); PINEA (Pinus pinea); and CASTANEA (Castanea sativa).
The StandsSIM Web App was custom developed, step by step, to automate the interrelationships between the various inputs required and to direct users in the definition of each forest stand simulation (yield table /existing stand) enhancing the usability and accessibility when dealing with the high level of complexity of the simulator. StandsSIM produces tabular/graphical results per hectare for each year of the simulated Planning Horizon (number of trees; dominant height; basal area and quadratic mean diameter; volumes produced and extracted by thinning/final cut; biomass per component / carbon sequestration / carbon stock; Net Present Value; trees diameter distribution classes; etc.). The tabular and graphical results can be directly compared between simulations (up to 5) of a stand subjected to different conditions and different management options or compared between different stands.
StandSIM is targeted to academic students/researchers in the fields of Forest Engineering and Forest Sciences, Forest Technicians, Forest Owners, Forest Owners Associations, Government and Non-governmental Organizations as well as Policy Makers related with the forest sector.
StandSIM at simflor.online.