Optimization and Wildfire Conference | October 1-4, 2024

The Forest Research Centre (Centro de Estudos Florestais – CEF) is collaborating in the organisation of the “Optimisation and Wildfire Conference”, which will discuss optimization models and solution approaches for wildfire-related decision problems.

The “Optimisation and Wildfire Conference” will be held in Luso, central Portugal, between October 1st and 4th, focusing on the use of operational research and decision-making methods, including optimization models and solution approaches for wildfire-related decision problems.

The conference is being organised by the University of Minho, but the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) is heavily involved, particularly the Forest Research Centre (Centro de Estudos Florestais – CEF). Professor Isabel Martins is part of the Organising Committee, researcher Susete Marques is part of the Programme Committee and Professor and researcher José Calvão Borges is one of the invited Keynote Speakers.

The Optimization and Wildfire (O&W) conference aims to create a unique environment for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among researchers working on these highly relevant areas. Additionally, it seeks to provide participants with insights into the state-of-the-art and emerging topics in O&W.

More information about the conference here.

Abstract submission (maximum 1,500 characters) until 31 May 2024more information about the submission here.