Coffee with Science with Professor Jonathan Muledi

In the next Coffee with Science (Café com Ciência), Professor Jonathan Muledi from the University of Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of Congo) will present research activities in renewable natural resources in the DR Congo.

On November 14, between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., in the hall of the Forest Reserch Centre (CEF), Edifício Professor Azevedo Gomes, learn about some case studies of the University of Lubumbashi, that show the importance of the university’s role in promoting the conservation and sustainable management of renewable natural resources.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is rich in natural resources, particularly both in biodiversity and minerals. The diversity of its natural resources and its geographical position offer enormous potential for the development of both the DRC and the sub-region. However, the natural landscape is under enormous anthropogenic pressure, leading to the loss of biodiversity in an almost irreplaceable way. Fortunately, over the last ten years or so, the various stakeholders have become aware of the problem. The scientific, government departments, the private sector, local communities and civil society are coming together, albeit timidly, to exchange views on the sustainable management and preservation of ecosystems.

Professor Jonathan Muledi works in ecology and sustainable management of tropical forests, especially the open forests of the Zambezi basin (namely Miombo woodland). In practice, is work focus on promoting the restoration of forests and forest landscapes, combat climate change, combat the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of plant ecosystems, ensuring the maintenance of endogenous practices, and improving the livelihoods of local communities.

Coffee with Science (Café com Ciência) is a meeting dedicated to the informal and relaxed presentation of research work, supported by APEF IFSA Portugal.