Our researchers Joaquim Sande Silva and Conceição Colaço will participate in the debate "The War of Fire: A Multisectoral Approach to Forest Fires", that will be held next Saturday, November 25, at 4 pm, in the Centro de Ciência Viva of Alviela (Alcanena). The talk of Joaquim Sande Silva will be focus on the "Ecology of Fire" and the talk of Conceição Colaço will be focus on the "Environmental education in the prevention of wildfires".
The aim of this debate is to discuss the contribution of science and technology to the forest valorization and to the prevention of forest fires and it will have the participation of several specialists in the forests and firefighting thematic. This debate will result in a manifest on science at the forest service.
The participation on this event is free but the registration is mandatory!
Register through the following contacts:
- Phone: +351 249 881 805
- E-mail: info@alviela.cienciaviva.pt
More information on the program available [Here]
Register and participate!
Thrusday, 23 November 2017