CEABN InBIO and LPN together to celebrate the Nature Conservation National Day (July 28)
Join us on this celebration!
Database of Portuguese Historic Gardens available online!
More than 700 historic gardens in Portugal are identified and 120 are completed.
Metropolitan Area of Lisbon presented in Algarve
The PERIURBAN project results will be presented at the "IX Portuguese Congress of Sociology".
Project coordinated by CEABN InBIO received the "Dryland Champions 2016" distinction
The project "Study of the effects of fire and post-fire management in cork oak forest stands" was awarded by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
CEABN InBIO at the BRIGAID "Kick-off meeting"
BRIGAID project, the latest CEABN InBIO project, takes its first steps!
CEABN InBIO present at the "Natura 2000 Network" Workshop
Management of Forest Habitat was the main theme of this Workshop!
Seminar "Conservation of Genetic Resources and Agricultural Biodiversity in a Context of Climate Change"
On June, 3 from 10h00 to 12h00, at the "Sala de Actos" (ISA).
A recent study of our researcher José Fedriani is an online success!
Some mammals prefer to eat oranges infected by fungus than to eat healthy oranges.
Exhibition "The life and work of Carlos Manuel Baeta Neves"
The Centre for Applied Ecology "Professor Baeta Neves" (CEABN) and the League for the Protection of Nature (LPN) celebrate the centenary of Carlos Manuel Baeta Neves.
4th MedWildFireLab General Meeting
Split (Croatia) was the city chosen to welcome the MedWildFireLab 4th General Assembly.