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Activities and Outputs


Geographic variation in the abundance and reproductive biology of the turtledove (Streptopelia turtur (L.)). Implications for game management

Funding: Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), POCTI Programme. Period: 2002-2005. Reference: POCTI/BSE/41067/2001.


Restoration of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodland: effects of herbaceous vegetation on tree establishmen

Funding: Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), POCTI Programme. Period: 2004-2006. Reference: POCTI/AGG/48704/2002.


The impacts of acorn dispersal and grazing on cork oak regeneration of a montado system

Funding: Ministry of Agriculture, AGRO Programme, AGRO 669, Medida 8, Acção 8.1. Period: 2004-2006.


Effects of deer on productivity and nutrient cycling of an oak woodland system

Funding: Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), POCTI Programme.Period: 2005-2007.Reference: POCTI/AGR/63322/2004.


Effects of pasture on the nutrition of free-ranging Alentejano pigs

Funding: Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), POCTI Programme. Period: 2005-2007. Reference: POCTI/CVT/60411/2004.


Cera, A., Montserrat-Martí, G., & Palacio, S. (2023) Nutritional strategy underlying plant specialisation to gypsum soils. AoB Plants, plad041


Cera, A., Verdugo‐Escamilla, C., Marín, J. A., & Palacio, S. (2023) Calcium sulphate biomineralisation: Artefact of sample preparation?. Physiologia Plantarum, 175(5), e14017


Lecomte, X., Bugalho, M.N., Catry, F.X., Fernandes, P.M., Cera, A., Caldeira, M.C. (2024) Ungulates mitigate the effects of drought and shrub encroachment on the fire hazard of M editerranean oak woodlands. Ecological Applications, e2971


Lecomte X, Bugalho M, Catry FX, Fernandes P, Cera A, Caldeira M (2024) Ungulates mitigate the effects of drought and shrub encroachment on the fire hazard of Mediterranean oak woodlands. Ecological Applications, e2971


Cera A, Bugalho MN, Catry FX (2024) Deer exclusion is necessary to promote post-fire herbaceous regeneration in the understorey of a Mediterranean forest. Restoration Ecology, e14208.

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